

I did not play dirty
i go backwards
fall into one amazing day
one single solitary day of design
one day that has shaped my heart and mind so many times it has shaped.
I was a wee little monkey
s fingerling amongst apes
a food for any occasion
serial killers took my life
quickly without hesitation
and I have replayed my lyrics
so many times on repeat I've played them
how they raped and pillaged my art
mined what gold and platinum they did
tore me straight apart
i was a test subject
one who they'd subject
if the test was given a grade
I'd hold my A up with a big old F
and stand as one correct
amongst them crooked primates
I felt like I fit in
til they took my life
took my ability to stand sturdy
I played what they played
only I did not play dirty.
i could never sink so low
I thought they were illuminated
but it was me who gave the glow
they all bask in what light I showed

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