

Rainbows, Auras, and Friendly Birds: Nature's Harmonious Chorus
#WritcoPoemPrompt114 by @jasmineshri,

Just after a gentle shower you see a rainbow,
While going through the woods in cavorting auras,
The birds are all so friendly wherever you go,
In every tree they sing you a chorus.

In the sky, a rainbow appears,
A vibrant arc of colorful cheer.
Auras of light, a gentle breeze,
Friendly birds, their songs with ease.

The rainbow's hues, a symphony,
A kaleidoscope of ecstasy.
The auras, a dance in the air,
A celestial ballet, beyond compare.

The birds, their chirping melodies,
A harmonious chorus, with ease.
Their songs, a celebration of life,
In nature's grand, symphonic strife.

The breeze, a gentle caress,
A soothing touch, with finesse.
The rainbow's beauty, a gift from above,
A message of love, a labor of love.

The auras, a vibrant display,
A kaleidoscope of color and light.
The birds, their songs, a joyful sound,
In nature's symphony, a wondrous sight.

The rainbow's magic, a treasure to behold,
A treasure of love, a story to be told.
The auras, a dance of light and sound,
In nature's harmonious chorus, profound.

The birds, their songs, a celebration of life,
In nature's grand, symphonic strife.
The rainbow's beauty, a gift from above,
A message of love, a labor of love.