

Praises like poison spill from my lips
Words no one ever hears
False idols favored with a kiss
Both rid and raise my fears

“Believe” it shallow presses urgent
“Just be” so it rings true
Absent when shadows all around me
Remind me there’s no truth

Here listless pathways have in their grip
This one who gave her years
To thund’ring echoes in the abyss
The vow of new frontiers

“Be free” it chatters all around me
“Break loose” from dark eschew
All while severing all that guides me
Impossible to choose

From crypts I gathered myself bit by bit
Tread oceans made of tears
I told myself “At last, this is it”
An unction for lost years

“Give in” it whispers, you can trust me
“I love you” it is true
But lies shall not be found in virtue
Nor justice in abuse

More flowery words all seem to fit
This narrative, it shears
Through bone and soul it mars and rips
As sharp as warrior’s spears

“I know” it repeats, saying nothing
“For you” all that I do
The sweetest days retreat to hiding
A dream framed in a noose

Her silent prayers now daily lift
A husk washed by her tears
A beating heart left there amiss
Waiting for night to clear

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