

Of course I don't want you to go
But in this life you gotta do what you gotta do
I'm sorry you think I did all that stuff
When in fact I've told nothing but the truth
I guess I would want you to know
That I've loved you from the very start
And you'll always hold a special place
Way down deep in my heart
I'm actually a GOOD person with a compassionate soul
That just happens to wear my feelings on my sleeve
I'm sorry you feel like it's come to this
As you walk out the door and leave
I've lost my guy I was totally in love with
And worst of all I also lost my friend
My heart is shattered into a million tiny pieces
And who knows if it'll ever be whole again
I'm not gonna try to pick these pieces up
I don't think I'm even gonna bend down
They can just lay right where they are
Broken and shattered on the ground
When I say that I truly do love you
Know that I'm being honest and sincere
I really don't know what to do with myself
Or which path to go on from here
Everything happens for a reason
Or so I heard that's what they say
Maybe God will reveal that reason
Somehow to me one day
But I know you feel that you have to go
And I know that you gotta do what you gotta do
I'm so sorry that all this has happened
But please know that I'll always love you!!

© De Ona Charamut