

Precious Pearls
You know
I am losing the very ground
I was standing so firmly
Clutching the invisible
But rigourous roots
Ideas fleet
All nill
Just a vaccumm
Nothing lingers
No hope no wait
No fear

Yesterday only
Roses bloomed in
Now dried petals
Scattered around
Brownish edges
Fading pink
Some crushed
Some floating
Some lying
Still untouched

Collecting petals
In my hands
I am collecting
Precious pearls
You once again

It is raining
Tears cascading
You know how
It feels
To find and to lose
With no hope
To reconcile !!

Several mountains crumble
Furious sea roars
reaching to the sky
The sky burst showing cleavage
Torrential downpour to swipe away
What was there remaining in life

Shraddha S Sahu

© Shraddha S Sahu