

Lovable Lord
The happiness that you give,
The easiness that I feel...
You conceal,
Certain things from our life,
As you want us to discover it.
You're just like the gold
As your worth increases day by day.
You permit,
Bad things to happen in our life
As you want us to be bold.
You equalize teachers,
As you teach lessons on life
And make us to learn,
How to live an ideal life.
You give experiences to us,
As they provide unforgettable lessons.
We can trust you always
As you don't deceive us.
Everything is temporary except you,
Great people realize your value.
Love is your language
As you spread love on all,
Without any distinction,
Of colour,race and gender.
I love you to the core,my Lord.

- A.G.Aishwarya

© A.G.Aishwarya