

An orange cat came home, a memory poem.
So orange and round, my favorite little guy.
Each day you came and laid, another smile was made.
Though you covered us in fur, and meowed until the sun would give out, you were still our favorite.
You ate all the food and always begged for more, oh what I'd give to hear you beg once more.

When we first found you, a walking cheese puff, it was a cold autumns day.
Pulled you in with tuna, we soon learned to be your favorite thing.
Who'd leave such an adorable little cat, love is all he'd give.
He trusted us fast, we'd watched him for weeks before getting him inside.
What a lovely cat, never a dull moment when he was awake.

It might seem silly now, how worried I was when I didn't hear your meows.
Dark gloomy day is how I remember it,
The day you ran, the day I cried.
I was so worried when I didn't hear your little whines,
No paw scratching at the door, no knocking of the food bowl.
I look back and don't see why I ever worried,
Of course you'd come back, you fat little cat,
Just as you always would.

Now you've run from home once again, to a new one I can't reach.
I know you'll be loved and safe, I just wish we could've done the same.
You grew so sick and the vets couldn't save you, we put you down painlessly so you wouldn't hurt anymore.
You were the best little guy, my orange goofy cat.
Run among the clouds now, and one day, I'll see you again.

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