

Truth Defends Itself
Being crushed under the weight
of the family click, the favored
ones with the desires
painted under the card called love.

Being never good enough,
but expected to fulfill
the desires to make
the favored happy.

Drifting off into never land,
living with violence, drugs,
stealing and selling,
living empty inside.

Darkness continues to grow,
emptiness becomes bleak,
existence becomes the life
just to survive.

Sleeping under bridges,
under old mattresses
that have been thrown away,
just for a little warmth.

Begging for food,
the crumbs from other’s table,
relying on the fix
to keep the function.

Feeling the weight of life’s branding
under the deceit and lies told,
until the truths begin to unfold,
revealing the hidden stories untold.

In the end, truth reveals
and it needs no defending.
It’s not wise to crush others
and sit on fake petal stools.

#truth #writcopoem #writcoapp
#writcocommunity #writcofamily

@Becky M Scranton