

"To My Dearest Prince" ❤️
To my dearest prince,
This one is for you,
I have loved you like I have loved no other,
It is true,
I have kissed you like I had never kissed before,
I have said goodbye to you longing to see you Again at the door,
I have sung for you with all my heart and soul,
I have dreamt for dancing Broadway with you Along the street light pole,
I have got jelouse and hell lot of it when I have Seen you with another girl,
But then I have smiled to myself when you came Back to me cause in the end I am your girl,
I have held your hand like I wear your wedding Ring,
It means so much to me cause, your hand is the Most beautiful thing that I could be wearing,
I have spent my days with you like there is no Tomorrow,
I have laughed with you like in the world there is No sorrow,
I have hugged you like there is no one else Around,
I have stuck you to as if to you I am bound,
I have danced for you, like I am your private Doll,
I have rested my head on your shoulder so Strong,
I have missed you like there is nothing else left,
It is all because I have loved you baby, cause I Believe in you alone,
Am I blessed,

Thank you for reading
lots of love
from Lunar Queen

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