

In moments of bleak, smirk,
You wonder how it will work?
And of misery, roar,
Just like beforeIn the depths of despair, a glimmer ignites,
A smirk on your lips, defying the nights.
For in moments of bleak, when all seems undone,
A seed of hope sprouts, seeking the sun.

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty's reign,
You question how it will work, causing disdain.
Yet, within your soul, a resilience does thrive,
Ready to conquer, to conquer and strive.

The weight of misery may bring forth a roar,
But deep down, you've fought these battles before.
Like a warrior, unyielding in the face of strife,
You rise from the ashes, embracing new life.

For even in darkness, a flicker remains,
A spark of determination, breaking the chains.
With each step forward, you chisel your path,
Finding strength within, banishing the wrath.

So when the shadows encompass your being,
Remember the smirk, the hope you are freeing.
For in moments of bleak, you'll always find,
The power to conquer, to leave woes behind.
© dougienever