

How does it work?
How does it work?
Spending life with a stranger,
a relation built on other's terms,
knowing little about each others.
I cannot fathom...
The idea of such bonding,
knowing very well its prevalence,
within our communities.

Things were much easier,
when we lived for obligations,
but now, tasting the freedom,
it's difficult to have appreciations...
And things changes with times,
I am still halfway, stuck in-between,
where hopes & expectations collides,
creating rifts, breaking down the desires.

So I walked, with cautious steps,
thinking twice, before I could tread,
slowly times passed, missed chances,
leaving behind guilts and regrets.
Even then, I couldn't change,
the very nature, of my essence,
trying to find a middle ground,
pleasing others, comforting myself.

So, how does it work,
I could never tell,
broken many hearts,
with my stubborn denials...
Yet, I too am willing,
if they value the process,
it's not the perfection, I desire,
but heart prefers, an understanding.

Then again, I would be the one...
Getting hurt, from my choices. :)

© Dr. Manish Rout