

MY Only Gaze

I absolutely adore music; It's a shiver to my soul. Most of the time, I find myself drawn to the lyrics, each word resonating within me rather than the beats themselves. Currently, my heart dances to the tune "My Gaze" by Theophilus Sunday. It has been on repeat all day.

"Until my only gaze is you, Spirit keep ruling over me till I look more like you."

"Until my only life is you, Spirit keep ruling over me till I look more like you."

"Until my all in all is you, Spirit keep ruling over me till I look more like you."

"Until my only hope is you, Spirit keep ruling over me till I look more like you."

"Until I'm lost in you, Spirit keep ruling over me till I am lost in you."

"My whole life is yours, Holy Spirit do what you want."

"Holy Spirit, take over now, for now is your time."

The lyrics of this song always strike a chord deep within me, igniting an electrifying sensation.
It sure does the magic especially when I feel backslidden.
"Until my only gaze is you, Lord, don't cease your reign over me" – these words hold a profound significance in my heart.

#the100writingmarathon #powerofmusic #music #inspiration

© Iretomiwa