

my first love was a serial killer part 10
"Hey Andrew it's been 4 years since I last saw you." The man said standing up. "Is that you grandfather?" I asked sitting up. "Sorry kiddo but it's actually your big brother. I guess things have been hard on you lately if you passed out like that." Big brother said sitting closer to me. "Who's in here!" Matt said barging in my hospital room. Matt looked around the room and then saw my big brother. "Who are you?" Matt yelled getting closer to me. Big brother backed away and put his hands where Matt can see them. "I'm not here to harm Zack don't worry." He said chuckling. I held Matt's hand and smiled. "Its fine he's my big brother. He doesn't live with my parents so you never met him. He's a very famous scientist but not many people know his real name. You don't have to worry about him hurting me." I said getting up. "Hey stay in bed Zack! The doctors said you need rest for the next few days." Matt said sounding worried, holding me. Big brother got closer to us and touched my forehead. "Lay down Zack you have a fever. It's like I thought Matt is the one making you feel this way. Don't worry I have been working on a medicine for when this day came. You'll be put and running in a few days if you take this everyday." Big brother said giving me pills. I layed back down like I felt dizzy. Big brother started laughing and left the room. Matt stayed with me until I feel asleep.

© the unknown