

Live Your Life
When someone says " live your life " it does not necessarily mean you should live the way you want to. The actual question is " how?" The best thing to do is to live in the moment and not for the moment, but think consider the future. We are are most definitely not promised tomorrow. If you guilty conscious or want to live a pure life. You can start now. Be honest even if its a risk. It might be able to assist you in the long run.

Apologize only if you are wrong. An apology only works when you mean it and when you don't repeat what you apologized for. That's the only way to keep a clean conscious. If you clean your past, do what you always wanted to do,live without fear and do whatever your calling was. That's my personal definition of living your life.

We all have different chapters in our lifes,but you can't start a new chapter if you keep rereading the last one. So accept your past without regrets,handle your present with confidence and face your future without fear. If you want to live your dream life. Do whatever it takes and hope it was all worth it. There is one thing I'm sure of and its the fact that life is all about choices. We make those choices yet there is consequences. If you have any regrets consider it lesson learnt.

Living is part of growing and growing is part of learning. Don't let other people tell you how you should live your life. There are a lot of things we should think twice about before doing.