

My bestfriend told me
Not to be scared and bother what you feel
Of how many reason
To lived is equavalent
of how many reason to express our feeling

I Stand I coursed
Palipad hangin witch craft
and I stand brave on it
Even though i know someone plagarize
my hardwork
my fate is my fate

To special someone
who used to lie to me
and choose to be selfish
all this time

listen carefully
i didnt know how long i experience it
but your true shows within a day

i cant believe that in the time of struggles
your a kind of friend i didnt trust
instead of saying the truth
about how may enemy
used kulam palipad hangin
take advantage of me

you atand their like evil slave
being drown by money, fame and
material things
you will cage in their offers
good things

i hope time comes
when i forget everything
about this traumatic palipad hangin kulam
when i didnt every 4 am
bothering all of this
when times that i forget aboit you
the times im not availe to talk to you
or not affected by your name

i hope you may enjoy all the things
you have right now
your privaledge
and the good things to come

and if i forget all about you
i hope our paths will never cross again
© barbiepark