


As Sophie stepped out into the warm sunlight, a gentle breeze rustled through her hair, bringing a sense of tranquility to her soul.

Smiles adorned the faces of passersby, and the sound of laughter filled the air.

Sophie couldn't help but be uplifted by the sight of children playing in the park, their carefree giggles echoing through the neighborhood.

The anticipation for the upcoming festival was evident in the decorations that adorned the streets.

Colorful banners and fairy lights hung from every lamppost, casting a magical glow over the town.

The sight filled Sophie's heart with a painful reminder of the past that Sophie desperately wished to forget.

Also for the past eight years with Mrs. Emily, Sophie had never for once heard her spoke of the festival. It was as if Mrs Emily knew it held no place in sophie's heart.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Sophie pushed away the lingering doubts and focused on the present moment.

Just as she did, her phone rang, breaking the silence. The caller ID displayed Bella, her best friend and confidante. Sophie took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Hello dear!" Sophie chimed in, her tone laced with a touch of mirth.

"Do you realize you owe me an apology, don't you?!" Bella's voice echoed through the phone line..

Sophie could sense the fiery nature of her best friend, even through the phone.

A playful grin danced on Sophie's lips as she retorted, "I'm not clueless, you know."

Bella inquired, "Can you now tell me what happened?"

Sophie hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to dive into the details or postpone the conversation for later.

"Can we please discuss this at a later time?" Sophie pleaded.

"Hey, don't even think about evading this. I want to know every detail.Or are you planning to spill it when I'm no longer around?" Bella countered, her determination palpable.

"...please don't tell me..." Sophie's voice faltered.

"Yes, your suspicions were correct," Bella affirmed. "So, tell me, why did you do it?" Bella's question.

Taking a deep breath, Sophie mustered the courage.

"Actually... I went out with Leo," Sophie confessed.

"To where? Hold on!... you were with him the entire night?" Bella questioned.

Sophie's mind flooded with memories she didn't want to confront.

"Yeah, at his place. He threw a party," Sophie replied.

The weight of the events that transpired during that fateful evening hung on Sophie's heart. She closed her eyes, to force away the memories that threatened to consume her.

"So......?" Bella's voice was abruptly cut off.

"Yes, because you're the only one I have, Bella," Sophie replied.

"Oh... damn... but girl, do you really trust him?" Bella asked skeptically. "I have a feeling that guy is..." Bella's words trailed off.

Sophie let out a deep sigh.

"I don't think so. You need not worry, I trust him." Sophie reassured.

"Alright, let's catch up later," Bella replied.

The phone line dropped.Sophie took few steps towards the bus stop, boarded an oncoming vehicle. As the bus rolled down the road, her mind became filled with a mix of emotions.

Guilt gnawed at her conscience as she recalled breaking the strict rule set by Mrs. Emily about returning home after 21:00. For the first time, Sophie stayed out until the early hours of the morning, well past the agreed-upon time.

To make matters worse, she lied about sleeping over at Bella's, adding to her growing sense of remorse.

As the bus came to a halt in front of her designated stop, she let out a heavy sigh, trying to shake off the weight of her guilt. Gathering her thoughts, she stepped off the bus and found herself standing in front of a medium-sized building, its calming shade of sky blue providing a sense of serenity.

The murals on the exterior walls depicted an artist passionately painting on his canvas. Taking a deep breath, Sophie approached the entrance, knowing that she was about to enter her workplace.

Pushing open the entrance door, Sophie was met with a disheveled and chaotic scene.

Paintings hung askew on the walls. The space was in a state of disarray. Her handbag slipped from her grasp and fell to the floor with a thud. Sinking her heart into her chest.

It was a stark contrast to the usual organized and serene atmosphere she was accustomed to.

Listening to her heart rise and fell with each beat, her eyes widened in disbelief.
The chaos in the room was amplified by the heated exchange between her colleagues, Vincent and Olivia.

Their voices echoed through the space at a deafening volume, adding to the tension in the air. Papers were strewn across the floor, further contributing to the disorder.

Gathering her composure, Sophie picked up her fallen handbag and placed it on her table.

With a deep breath, she clapped her hands together. The sound cutting through the room and capturing the attention of Vincent and Olivia. Their banter came to an abrupt halt as they turned their gaze towards Sophie.

"No, please continue," Sophie said.

Surprised by Sophie's presence, Olivia and Vincent were taken aback and their expressions turned remorseful.

"I'm not asking for any explanations just yet. Let's focus on tidying up this place first," Sophie said.

The three of them began working together to restore order to the chaotic space.

"Not that, Soph. But you know she always say nonsensical things," Vincent replied.

Sophie's eyes narrowed.

"What I do know is that this has become a regular occurrence for you two since you started dating," she retorted.

"What?" Olivia uttered, her voice betraying her astonishment.

"Yeah, I'm not oblivious, Liv. I knew you two were together. But constantly causing a scene at the office, isn't that a bit juvenile?" Sophie questioned.

"This isn't about us, Soph. It's just that it happened again," Olivia's voice trembled as she spoke.

"What happened?... wait!" Sophie's voice quivered.

Her mind raced, attempting to piece together the unfolding puzzle.

"Yes, it's exactly what you're thinking," Vincent's voice carried a hint of bitterness.

"When I arrived, the place was in complete disarray," he concluded.

Vincent pointed to a corner and exclaimed, "The newly finished canvas is missing!"

Sophie approached the corner and examined it closely. Her suspicions were confirmed. The rose painting that had been completed and placed there just the other day was now nowhere to be found.

Sophie's legs weakened beneath her. She found herself a support by taking a seat. Her mind whirled with a mixture of shock, confusion, and disbelief.

Olivia retreated to her seat, while Vincent took a seat on a nearby stool.

A heavy silence enveloped the room as Sophie struggled to find the right words.

"What should we do now?" Olivia asked, her voice filled with concern.

Vincent and Olivia were not only her colleagues but also her long-term friends since college. They had shared countless memories and had been through thick and thin together.

The thought of suspecting her old friends of allegedly making away with artworks felt like a betrayal to their long-standing bond.

Sophie's heart went out to Vincent, whose spirit appeared visibly crushed. She couldn't bear to see her friend in such despair, knowing how much effort and passion he poured into his artwork.

"Are you alright?" Sophie asked Vincent.

"Would anyone be alright in my position?" he retorted.

"Of course not," she replied.

Just then, sophie heard the sound of a car outside, her gaze shifted towards the entrance, a red SUV pulled up in front of the building. It was Leo, her boyfriend and the owner of the art studio.

Sophie's eyes darted towards Olivia and Vincent, a sense of urgency in her expression.

"Please, let's not mention anything about this to him," she whispered.

Just as the words left her lips, Leo stepped in, his presence commanding attention.

His handsome features, well-built physique, and punk hairstyle exuded an air of elegance and confidence.

He glanced around the room, his eyes searching for any signs of trouble.

"Is everything alright?" Leo inquired.

"Yeah..." Sophie replied quickly.

Leo nodded, accepting her answer without further probing.

"Alright, I just breezed in. I still have some business to take care of," he stated.

With a final glance around the room, he turned and left.

Sophie's mind was consumed with a whirlwind of thoughts, questioning whether Leo truly didn't know about the chaos unfolding in the studio or if he was intentionally feigning ignorance.

As Leo kicked his car into gear and drove off, Sophie's gaze lingered on his departing figure.

In that moment, a memory from the previous day flashed through her mind. She vividly recalled seeing a painting at Leo's house, which he claimed was for Nick's birthday. But what if they were not? Sophie wondered, her mind filled with uncertainty.

Lost in her thoughts, Sophie was startled as Vincent approached and tapped on her table, bringing her back to the present.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Vincent asked.

She let out a sigh, her worry evident in her eyes.

"Just feeling a bit anxious. Can't help but wonder how he would react if he were to find out about these incidents," Sophie replied.

Vincent nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"You can only hide it temporarily, but you can't hide it forever," he advised.

"I suggest you gather the courage to tell him. It's better to address the issue sooner rather than later." With a final glance, he added, "I'll step out now."

Sophie watched as Vincent left, his words lingering in her mind. She knew he was right, but summoning the courage to have that conversation with Leo would not be easy.

As Vincent left, Sophie couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty and doubt that had settled within her.

Was there a way for her to confirm her suspicions? Or would it be better to let go of her doubts and trust in Leo?

"So are you going to talk to him?" Olivia's voice pierced through.

"I should". Sophie replied.

© Lily