

Does life give us a second chance? The race had begun and he/she wondered if he/she would win this time round.
My name is Uyai meaning beauty, have always tried my best to win life in some battle but at times, it knows how to defeat me. this time around I guess I was so scared of it. after getting married to my heart throb for about five years, everything went on smoothly but something went wrong during November, my husband came home, and then told me that his secretary in the office is getting married, Have always seen Alice has a younger sister, she worked for my husband after service, he still retained her because she was hardworking. so I was really happy for her. but I told my husband Kenneth, honey you know I can't go because am taking care of our kids. we were blessed with four kids. so he told me I shouldn't worry, that he will represent his family well.
After one year, I was told that Alice gave birth to twins but I couldn't go to see her, so since my husband was going for a business trip, I told him to stop and say congratulations to her that I will try and see her.
Two years passed away and I received an important call from my sister who told me she was dying and that she was diagnosed with cancer, my husband was not around so I took our kids to my mother's place and I left for Abuja. reaching Abuja that late, she directed me to a hospital and behold she was ok but told me she wants to show me something, and I saw some doctors congratulating my husband, just then our eyes met and I ask him what he was doing at the hospital, then my sister told me that his wife just put to birth, I was shocked beyond doubt, I tried to hold myself, but my sister told, it is that your copper sister, I fell on the floor, not knowing if to scream, shout or laugh but I was dumbfounded. she went ahead to tell me they were married in November ending and I remembered that was the same time he told me about the copper's marriage. I stood up went into the room and saw that she had given birth to twins. and I asked him if how many kids does he have from her and I realized that they had 3 kids. and all I asked him was, what was my crime? what did I do wrong and he said nothing. I just walked out of the hospital that night not caring what will happen to me. just then I was almost hit by a car and the driver came out ranting if am mad, if I want to die and I told him please just hit me, when he noticed I was emotionally drained. he took me to his place. and he calmed me down and ask for the story which I told him. and he asked me if I still need the marriage, I told him if I go back there I will commit murder. I stayed in his house for a month. forgetting about the fact I had kids, all I needed was love at that time and if I didn't get I was going to do something stupid. after staying for a month at Kelvin's. I returned back to Port Harcourt, packed all my belongings and left Kenneth house. I rented a one bedroom apartment and I ask myself if life can give me a second chance to make it right. I and Kenneth got a divorce, I went back to my career, looking good became my hobby, soon I was promoted to a branch in Abuja, and I was now working as assistant to the director, what I didn't know was that life was playing a very cunny game with me. the director happened to be Alice elder brother Maurice, who stays abroad. and I remembered Alice showing me his picture and telling me how her brother hated marriage. but he didn't know me.
six months gone, Maurice is so emotionally attached to me and the worst part is he doesn't know the lady that destroyed my marriage is his kid sister. but he knows am divorced and I have four kids. but he still wants me. I tried so hard to ignored him. I almost thought of resignation but it won't be so easy because the job pay is really good. I finally agreed on a date with him, but it wasn't easy for me to get him off my back. he just wanted to get married to prove that I am loveable. and is only a foolish man that will leave a woman like me. I soon started developing feelings for him. so he just wanted us to be together soon. so he invited Alice and my husband over and they were shock to see me. he introduced me as his fiancee, and Alice quickly object to it. that I had four kids already and Maurice ask how she knows it.and she started stammering and I told him well that's my ex husband over there. Maurice was surprised and to my greatest surprise he walked out and I followed him. and he asked me if I knew he was related to Alice and I told him yes. and he told me to leave. which I did without saying a word.
A week later, I heard he went back abroad, cutting all ties with his sister. and putting me as the director of the company. well it was fair on my part. but everyday he kept on reminding me on how he won't forgive his sister for making him lose a treasure like me. and since Maurice left, I realized love was pain and I focus on building my kids. and for my husband and his dear loving copper, I heard they keep on fighting each other over small issues. and life gave me a second chance which was to love myself more than anything. and how not to be too emotional. the end