

Being a woman
@tashley Franklin.
It's so easy to describe ones personality in terms of :age,sex and gender.
A woman has been defined at different angles;others view them as a sex tool while others give them the title of 'a home maker'.
In a home setting,the woman has various responsibilities such as being the wife and mother to her children.Nature makes her adapt her new transformation from a girl to a woman.Most men expect them to perform their duties well whether they are well or not, forgetting they are also human being who deserve their space.
In other fields ,the woman is also supposed to cope up with the task given without issuing complaints about her gender status and abilities.Dont you think we have made the woman a slave?A woman status does not mean that she doesn't need her space to venture her world.Gentlemen who value the crowns their women have ;are the only ones who understand that before they met their' queens' they had a life.
Let us be on the fore front to give women a sentence to explore their lives despite of them being mother's and wives.Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved here.Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved here.