

The Sweetest Girl
My friends and I met an old friend of ours.

In high school She was the sweetest girl.
Her smile was something you'd love to see,
Her sadness would always provoke us
To find someone to beat.
Like who had the audacity to disturb her peace.
This 5 foot little girl who was older than us.
She loved to dance, she loved to sing,
When she studied hard it looked like she was struggling, Just because the way she fixed her face when she was focusing.

She would get upset when friends fight,
Always looking for ways to reconcile,
We all wondered what man she'd marry,
Because she was a ball of joy,
And he had to be someone who could match her energy.
Non of us tried to get her,
Because to us she was a little sister,
and we wanted to protect her.

In college, She was the sweetest girl.
Always happy or so it seemed,
We barely had conversations
Because she was losing sleep
For her nursing degree,
She lived in the library from dusk till dawn,
Walking through campus with purpose.
When she started dating
We all became concerned,
Knowing she's the type of girl
Who took such things very seriously.
She wouldn't date if forever wasn't in mind,
Because she tried but it didn't seem right,
She was her father's only girl,
She didn't believe in living wild.
We had conversations with this man,
To see if his head was screwed on right,
He seemed alright,
But his friends gossiped about every little thing,
Her private life didn't remain private.
& It didn't sit well with us who've experienced her light.
But she still smiled,
unaware of the lose lips that followed her guy.
we tried to confront him,
but we thought that must be the responsibility
of the man who became the love her life.

My friends and I met an old friend of ours.

She has two beautiful kids,
They all carry her smile,
The little-ness to them
Is just like their mom.
Yet the guy is nowhere,
The audacity of the guy.
She's all about family,
So her whole family helps her
With this new chapter in her life.
She wasn't angry,
She understood things can change over time.
But we always said to ourselves
"Out of everyone in the world,
she of all people didn't deserve this"
She was a loving person
With no bad bone in her body,
Like heaven left a real angel,
And her parents raised her right.

But life has this way of offering
Things you don't want.
Tears don't change the trials,
Closing your eyes don't erase the pain.
Falling is part of life
although it comes in many forms.
Having a good support system helps
To find strength in your steps again.

My friends and I met an old friend of ours,
She is the sweetest girl,
Despite the misfortune
She's doing fine.

© fruitfulodyssey