

Chapter one

This day was not just the day like the other days, I decided to get away from everyone I really needed time for myself so I did go to a place where I cannot find anyone who might know me and approach me to disturb by peace.

By the time I reached there my mood really changed for the better I was able to spend much time to myself.After almost two hours past; it seemed like my peace was to be disturbed but I was worth it, I saw two guys entering where I was having my beer.

One of them had camera and they were interviewing almost everyone and I was like this might be my turn. so, I waited my turn but I had no Idea what they interviewing about.When the people beside were being interviewed I trying to act like nothing is happening because I was so nervous of what they are going to ask and I was concerned of what I will be answering.

Most of the people they were interviewing they were girls and I could hear them laughing and most of them they were answering so confidently.While I was waiting for my turn they finished talking to people who were beside me so they left to sit next to where I was sitting.

In my heart I was so disappointed asking myself why? But after few minutes I got over it. I continued sipping on my beer and I was reading the story which was very interesting I couldn’t move my eyes after being disappointed.My eyes were very busy I didn’t notice there was people calling me ‘Miss’ that is how he was calling me.

By the time I reached were the story was more interesting I smiled and put my phone away to sip on my beer, those guys were sitting in front of me my heart did beat so fast I couldn’t explain it to myself.So, the guy asked me if it is ok for me to talk to me while the other guy was filming.

I smiled and nodded my head, he did glanced to his fellow and he started by telling how he was talking to me but I was so busy. I smiled again and told him how the story I was reading was interesting to the point I felt like I was all alone.

He smiled by the time he smiled I was so in love with his smile I was so obsessed with guys who smile like that and it has been long time since I saw someone smile so genuine so it made me crazy I started to forget what he was saying. I come back to my right mind he was introducing to himself to tell you the truth I didn’t hear his name correctly.

Instead I did go ahead and introduced myself, he was so amazed by my name and he asked me the meaning, I replied ‘the lion of God’ and he was like ‘WOW’ I smiled again and thanked him.

What he asked me after smiling was so shocking and I was telling myself to not answer that question because I am the woman with secrets and no one to tell those secrets.Most of my friends used to called me a lot of names due to my silence but when he asked me I really wanted to answer him and I was telling myself that no one will ever know since it is just for the people who will never know who I really am.

He repeated the question ‘what do you think makes you so different to other people’.I did answer him and I could see that he was really satisfied with my answer, I was really relieved. We continued to talk to each other and I come to realise that I am the only one they was still interviewing that made me curious and I asked him why he is interviewing people and the purpose he did tell me everything and I was so convinced.

What surprised me he did tell me that he was also looking for love? I smiled and he glances at me and he smiled back. I was amazed by his look and smile; he asked me again what I think about love I hesitated to answer and I looked at him. I started to tell him how I think love come to those who are lucky.Him and his cameraman they laughed at me and I laughed too.

While I was still laughing he glanced at me and he said ‘I did like you’ I my heart was amazed of how this handsome guy could say such beautiful wards to me. When he looked at he saw that I didn’t believe him and he did repeat it again and thanked him.

He didn’t hesitate to ask me my number and I gave him my number and he smiled while thanking me, I was telling myself that he will never call me I knew that he was just messing with me. the moment I was talking to inner self he asked if I can go with him I don’t were they were planning to go but I was having second thought in the end I said no.

When I said know his cameraman called him that is how I come to know his name was Jason. I smiled because I had imaginary friend whose name is Jason too. After they finished talking Jason came to me and he told that he will call me if he get home I nodded and smiled.

His cameraman closed the camera and they head out.By the time they head out I paid my bill and head home, when I was on my way at home I was smiling I didn’t know why but I continued smiling I didn’t even care that I was in the bus with other people. I kept reflecting Jason’s face in my head and my heart kept telling me how I am dreaming but I decided to wait his call as he promised.

When I got home I charged my phone waiting for his call but he didn’t call. So I got to bed my heart was asking me what I was thinking to imagine that Jason might call. From that moment I lost hope for him to call me. Before we sleep my sister asked why I look so disturbed but I ignored the question. In the morning I heard call but I ignored it three times, I woke up almost twelve that is when I checked my phone.

I didn’t know the number so I ignored it again, in that moment I got a call again so I picked up. I heart the most beautiful voice every woman would like to hear when they wake up, it was Jason.He didn’t even ask me why I didn’t pick up his call maybe he thought I was very busy so I understand before asking.

He wanted to meet me, for the first I wanted to refuse but my mind was telling me to go ahead so I said yes. He told me the address and time so I noted it.I did take time to prepare myself to look more beautiful and elegant so when I finished I took bus straight to the address it was near his rental apartment but I didn’t know I just thought that is where he want us to meet.

I did know that it was just for the interview so he could learn culture and about women from my country.When I arrive I saw him where he was sitting he was with his cameraman, in my heart I was like ‘that’s what thought’ so I approached them. Looking at his cameraman he seemed like he was not happy to see me.

Maybe it was because I was not beautiful as the other ladies he has been interviewing.I ignored his expression and greeted them; it looked like Jason was really happy to see me, When he saw e coming he smiled and stood up. He hugged me and gave me two kisses on the chick and he holds the chair for me. He started asking me how I am and he did apologise for not calling me, In that moment looked calm but last night I was angry at myself.Me and Jason we talked a lot he asked me if I can be his friend and help him throughout his all interview.

After telling I was down to it but as time kept going I was not happy I was jealous I couldn’t help seeing him with other women smiling. But I was not the only one who was jealous he was jealous too seeing me laughing with his cameraman.Me and his cameraman we became friends after having a lot of conversation at the first he thought I wasn’t good enough for Jason he thought I was with Jason just for me not for him but after knowing who I really I am he come to like me and Jason was happy for that but jealous when he was out of our conversation.

He couldn’t film a lot because of that; that made Jason grow fond of me he liked me so much he couldn’t resist me. Me and him we always spend time together most of the time I was wondering if I was not disturbing his job. He could say to me that if he wants he will change the show to be about me and he and I could laugh at him loud.In fact the show was about him finding his true love; that was the main question I could hear asking most but didn’t know why back then.

After shooting we spent more tie together but the camera was always on kept asking him why always on camera the answer was always the same ‘my life is camera’ he always asked me if I am ok with it and I answered him the same ‘its ok’.

The first day of our picnic Jason asked to pick the room we stayed in the hotel which had 2 bedrooms and sitting room. I picked the small room of course I wanted to pick the big one but I couldn’t. Through the whole picnic I was staying in the say room with Jason but different beds his cameraman was in another room.

Me and Jason we watched movies together but of course on camera, eating together laughing together like the whole world was all ours nothing did stop us. We climbed the mountains together camped together and he did teach me to swim but I was always afraid of water I couldn’t swim alone without him he made me believe in myself he showed me that everything is possible if you are willing.

One day he asked if we can go to the picnic far from the city I said yes; we had an incredible picnic of course the camera was always on and I was ok with it. When our picnic was almost over he asked me if I can go on date with him. Yeah of course I did say to him, I was so happy that he asked me out and I could stop myself from smiling while I was getting ready.

After finishing getting ready it was getting dark outside I received a message from him telling me that he is outside and I came out he was waiting with cameras.When I came out he was amazed with how I look he held my hand and kissed it so we continued to where we are having our date.

It was very big hall cinema Jason had popcorn, drinks and other snacks on plate so I helped him with other snacks we continued ahead the hall cinema was empty it was just us and cameraman who were busy filming us.While we were watching movie I remembered telling Jason how wish to go on date one day and watch movie I glanced at him and smiled and he glanced at me and smiled.

I was very happy in that moment I thought that I was in the heaven. We continued watching our movie and I felt a touch on my hand it was Jason he was wrapping his hand on mine.I glanced at our hands wrapped and glanced at him and he glanced back we smiled and continued with watching movies while eating our snacks and sipping on drinks. In few minutes movie ended and boom the lights were on.

We stepped out and continued with our date we sat outside and talked we were smiling full of happiness.In that moment I never knew that I will be able to feel that way if Jason is back to his country I started to think about it and my eyes shine. He asked me if I was going to cry and I told him how happy I am and he told me he feel the same after hearing that I was relieved and he could see how happy I am and I was able to see he same at him.

When we were heading to our room he said to me that ‘I wish this date would never end’ we both smiled by looking where the time is. And we decided to continue tomorrow or we can watch other movie in our room, He nodded.

We continued to our room the camera was still on. As I was still questioning myself how the night was good Jason was planning something else on my back.Before open the door to our room we were looking at the room service people, I was telling him how I admire them.

They work very hard to give good service he smiled at me and took the key from me he opened the door and enter I smiled back and the camera was on me. I stepped to the door but the camera was in front of me I was smiling at the cameraman.

When I stepped inside the room was so decorated I asked Jason what the occasion he smiled and the lights was off and I could see the words ‘will you be my girlfriend’ I shade tears Jason came to me and hugged me. Reading those wards were the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me plus hugging me that way.

He wrapped his arms all over my body and I became like a baby to him.He read the words for me and my heart could not stop beating faster, I smiled and said ‘yes’ he hugged me even tighter. We shade tears of happiness together and he thanked me for saying yes. So we sat down he told me everything of how he planned it, how he wanted to ask me most of the time and told me how he found the love he was looking for in me.

I was glad to hear that from him because since I saw him my heart was not in one place until that moment he asked me to be his girlfriend. We talked until the cameraman said ‘we are done for the day’.

We continued drinking wine but this time it was me, Jason and his cameraman. The cameraman started saying how he was not happy for the first but now everything is the place after we finished drinking wine cameraman headed to his room and we continued to talk to each other when the cameraman was gone that was the moment we had our privacy.The time to go to bed come and we parted, in my room I putted on the night dress the moment I finished Jason was knocking at my door.

I told him to come in I was not yet in bed but I was ready to go to bed, he sat on my bed as I slides in bed. He said to me ‘the moment we part I do miss you again’ when he said that my heart melted.

At that moment we remembered how we spent the day without calling or seeing each other it was the plan for his cameraman to see if there really the real connection between us but for me I didn’t the real purpose of the show until that moment.

We laughed I asked he how the experiment of his cameraman gone but he said to me he hasn’t watched any videos he captured so far.But we decided to talk about it even if we talked about it in his show; we decided to tell each other what we felt that day. We told his and I told him mine and we smiled.

In that night we could not get enough of each other not only that night from the moment we saw each other for the first time we even talked about wondering why we took that long to tell our feelings.In that night we said to each other good night Jason headed to him room and I pulled my bedsheets, that day was the day to remember and cherish not just for me to Jason too.

It was the day we found the real love and real feelings. We trusted each other and it was for real this time no status not betrayal.In the morning Jason was at my door he brought breakfast to my door and guess what the cameraman was there too recording everything we took breakfast together we were smiling just like the new lovers do.

After breakfast we took shower as usual and we headed to our divesture he had great time and continued with our second date.So the day of coming back home was so close and we went to the last date of our picnic before heading the camera was on us we just had privacy while we are taking break. We continued our date. There was time we forgot the camera was on us.

On that date we had our first kiss under the moon it was the most good kiss I have ever had in my life and it lasted almost minute.

_Arlette uwase_

© Arlette Uwase