

my mysterious husband
.................................never say yes before you know who they really are.

😭so i said.......'as much as i would love .....to be yours i cant do this anymore......
mother......its true i loved you and your son but i cant do this anylonger'.....i continued....."mother you knew all this but you couldn't tell me...........how could you???'??
😭😭😭😭i canot even tell where i got this energy from..........and so i sent a quick text to my pastor that we should meet at my apartment in not more than 20 minutes.......
........how could i go...my car was at home ...so i told my so called man.i was leaving......and he drove me to my house n left...he has never wanted to meet my pastor at any given time...

so the pastors came and before we could talk....they prayed ........and we sat to talk.my girl served us and went upstairs again.😭shortly i begun to narrate my nightmare.......how i was getting married to a demon.......😭😭but bfr i could finish........my frst statement......my husband showed on the door..... carrying some shopping..........and to my surprise ...my pastors were all cheered up to see him......and my pastor said ..."aaah so you know this excellent young man"???hes so good to us.....even the car we are driving he gave to us on our second anniversary"🤣😭😭and they all laughed...........
thats whre i knew my pastor was also evil!!!!so they started the chat and he(my husband) said "she is the woman am getting married to in 5 days time!"the pastor was sooo happy for me,,,,and insted of them seeing danger thy saw wealth.and so i gad to get an alternative b.....i sent a quick text to my girl and she went to get a pastor who i knew could help in that state.and in a few minutes he came..🤣at the door the bell rang....and my husband went to check....
he wasn't welcomed and my husband seemed disturbed........so i went......i got him in...and my other pastors were also trembling......in fear but i knew my trouble was over.🤣
"I feel some bad air in here........i knowww something wrong is happening. .......aaaah i feel some strange sounds and powers"he said......(pastor)
so the other pastors and my husband were reaching for the door so they could leave.....but i locked it with the security code...so they couldn't........my pastor started praying...........remembering 5 days to my wedding......he prayed enerstly to God and to my surprise ...........the female pastresss started vomiting and screaming......
i was sure that nobody was leaving close to me that would witness the drama.....she stated undressing and mark you i was there stranded looking the hell brake loose.and she fell.her husband the same and he also fell.....😭my pastor was sweating like village rivers with no fish.so my husband remains the only standing man.so he started changing to some strange.............thing,,,,,his eyes were beast like.... ..............ooooooh that man prayed........

i couldn't get any more courage to watch my husband change into something else.......wat i had seen was enough..............
but before i could stand to move......infront of me.....his mother...........🤣😭😭😭😭 behind me the drama......beside me the walls...........
this became shit..................my stomach betrayed me again and through my thong was urine and diorrhea ..........my girl was upstairs confused and sleeping......
so the fight began..................

to be continued...........

© shanny loue