

The Way I Miss You -02-
|This is a story about Ada and her blog posts about the way she misses Railey, the love that she has lost...|


I was at the grocery store today when I saw the gummy bears that you loved so much displayed on a shelf. After seeing them, I couldn't help but think of you.

I never understood what you liked about gummy bears. I never liked them. To me, they're like sweetened rubber. It tires my jaw just chewing them, when eating is supposed to be an enjoyable thing. But you eat them with gusto as if there's no tomorrow. And you never outgrew that even until college. You always had a bag of it inside your bag.

I remember I used to nag you about your teeth rotting because of them. But you never listened to me. I think you're the only person I know who had all kinds of teeth problems but never let go of the cause of those problems.

Do you remember when you had your braces? And your dentist forbade you to eat gummy bears for a while because you ate too much of it one time and your brackets loosened?

You were so upset that I made fun of you for a week. And though I never liked them, I bring gummy bears in my pocket and take them out to eat in front of you just to tease you. And then you would make a face and steal them from my hands.

Did you know? I only pretend to be angry whenever you take them from me. But the truth is, I'm only slyly letting you taste them from time to time. Because I couldn't stand that desperate look in your eyes. Why else would I buy gummy bears that I didn't even like?

I still don't like them even now. But seeing them today in the grocery store made me think about you. I just suddenly found myself adding a bag of it to my cart. When all I can do is stare at them on the table after getting home, remembering the times you get in trouble for chewing them loudly during class. Or just remembering you, always with gummy bears in your pockets, or chewing them in your mouth.

I wonder how you're holding up without them. I bet you're missing eating gummy bears for a long time now. You who couldn't stand not having this rubbery sweets inside your mouth.

Just imagining you desperately asking for one makes my heart ache. But no matter how much I want to give this bag of gummy bears to you even in the sly, it's never going to be possible now.

And all I can do is stare at them all through the night... desperately wishing you'd appear to steal these gummy bears in front of me. I could even buy all the gummy bears I left at the grocery store if you want... If you would only show up...