

Olympus: War-Chapter 3
Olympus: War

Chapter 3: Hades and Zeus

After a few hours Zeus finally arrived at the Underworld. He then walked in the direction of The Kingdom of Hades. After Thirty-five minutes Zeus could see The Kingdom's Walls and Gates. After another thirteen minutes, he could see a army of the dead protecting the kingdom. There were Skeletons, Zombies And Ghosts protecting the kingdom from the inside and outside. Zeus Then just walked on untill he was in front of the main gate. Then Zeus whispered to himself:"About Seven thousand Skeletons, About four thousand zombies and about five hundred Ghosts. Hades really keeps this place protected." Then Zeus heard someone talking to him in a deep cold voice:" You are forbidden to come here Olympian. You shall not enter!!!"Then Zeus said back:"Really, We will see." Then he shot a small powerful thunderbolt at the gate and it exploded off the walls. Then all The Dead was screaming:" Intruder...Intruder...Leave now and maybe Hades will spare you..." Then Zeus shot two gigantic Thunderbolts at the dead witch was or shooting arrows at him or running with swords, spears and shields towards him.
There was a big explosion. The Skeletons and Zombies we're all in pieces, but the Ghosts and the kingdom itself was not damaged.
Then Zeus started to ran away from the army, because the Skeletons and the Zombies was reforming.
Zeus ran towards the palace. While he ran, he shot thunderbolts at the dead.
He then Finally arrived at the palace and closed the doors behind him.

He walked and walked. Then finally he found the Throne room of Hades.He olso saw that Hades was on his Throne and Cerbeus was next to Him. The Minotaur was next Cerbeus.
Zeus then stepped in and asked:" Did you know about the attack on Olympus...The Giants and the Monsters..."
Then Hades interrupted;" Let me guess, you think it was me. First thing you know something is wrong you think it's me. That is why I hate you stupid Olympians. Always blaming it on Poor Me. What about saying Long time no see, but no you always start with blaming me!!! And no I don't know anything about The Giants that attacked Olympus."
"Then Zeus said back: "I will take my leave then."
The Hades screamed:" Wait! What are you doing here. You know Olympians are banned from the Underworld. Just like I am banned from earth.'
Then Zeus said:"At least I had a reason."
Hades then started to laugh and then shot a Gigantic Beam of fire at Zeus. Luckily Zeus saw it then it coming. Zeus quickly shot a gigantic beam of electricity at The fire beam of Hades that went Three hundred kilometers per hour at him. When the two beams hit each other, The intire room was filled with red and blue flames.
Then Cerberus started barking and Smoke came out of the Minotaur's Nostrils.
Then Hades Screamed in Anger:"A reason! A bloody reason! A reason to give me the blame! What reason is that! Why couldn't you just blame it on Ares! I mean he is the God of War. He will risk anything to see a fight!...."
While Hades was screaming in Anger, Zeus took out his blue rock and smashed it.
He then disappeared from the Underworld. He then Reappeared on Olympus.

After all the smoke was out in the Throne room, Hades then said to the Minotaur:" See I told you he whould come. The plan is going exactly as planned."

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