

Self love
The tensed room was now becoming noticable. I was just coming back from the table tennis court with my brother and was asked to wait at the parlour. I didn't ask what all that was about because the order was from our mom.
The first question I was asked was why I have decided to end my life playing table tennis.??.‘ Was I supposed to answer that ' I thought. this is a game that I have started since I was eight years old and I won't be ready to give it up till my final breath....
...At last I spoke up telling them that I am not ready to end table tennis soon and they shouldn't expect me to do so. I have always prayed to upgrade at my table tennis skills which I am doing. the last of my prayers is to get a chance to show what I am made of at the table...
Let them know that I won't give up on table tennis, whether they like it or not. I believe solely that it's my call and I won't give that up. I believe in myself and I hope that one day I would get the opportunity to play at a more higher level .
Therefore I urge all of you , never to give up on what you have always wanted to be no matter how hard it would be to achieve. learn to love yourself and your talent and you will never regret it. #Self love...
© Solomontales