

No mourn but act
Everybody was consoling her. Her mother was crying hard. Her little kids were crying not knowing what fate had done to them. She was numb. A happy family was destroyed and everybody was mourning.
This morning when she asked Shailesh to wear the helmet, he refused by saying, "My hairstyle is hampered. It is all safe." She wished she had forced him. But now She is left with nothing. She is unable to think of her kids, her family and herself.
Suddenly something strike her. She stood up and said, "I lost him due to his negligence.But I will make sure no one else loses their loved one like this. I don't know how will I do that but I will not let mourn somebody else like me throughout their lives."
Everybody is shocked and judging her for saying all this. How can she be so shameless to talk in front of her elders? But she doesn't care. She is adamant to give tribute to her husband who died due to road accident. She feels his soul must be mourning and wishing to come back if he had heard her that day?
Next morning, she wakes up and goes on the main road where he was lying dead that day. Every memory of that day her mind began to show her. A flow of uncontrollable tears comes to her eyes, but she wipes them and starts seeing people on bikes and scooters without helmets. She herself started stopping them. People as usual were thinking what is wrong with her, abused her and some of them even pushed her but she didn't stop. Traffic policeman came running towards her and asked what was her problem?
"My problem is you. If you hadn't let people go without helmet, my husband would be alive today. If you can't do your duty,then let me do it for you but I will not let anybody mourn through out life like me."she shouted.
Traffic controller is feeling guilty. He wants to apologise but she walks away.
She is sitting with tea on sofa and thinking how this problem could be solved. Suddenly an idea strikes her mind. She searches on internet the bike accident cases and deaths in the city. She collects all the information and plans to visit each of them. Her family is not supporting her and calling it a madness but she is not willing to hear. Every night she only hears her husband's screams.
She hasn't slept for ages she feels.
The first task she do is visiting deceased families. She convinces them to visit chief minister of the state to apply traffic rules strictly.
Her family is calling her mad. She knows she is neglecting her kids but she knows once she gets justice, they would be proud of her mother.
Then the day comes when she is going to meet Chief Minister. She gracefully put all the points she had thought of and he is very impressed by this young woman with so much wisdom.
Chief Minister asks his subordinates to make sure the traffic rules are strictly applied.
She knows things might not change but she is happy at least she did something for her husband.
Today, after such a long time, she is feeling sleepy. She is seeing her husband smiling and thanking her.
Sometimes good byes are hard to say but she made sure he goes peacefully to his place.