

Dear Pain
Like it’s autumn golden brown leaves falling..
Like the winter cold, misty against the window..

It comes with the distance of missing someone.. Comes in the rhythm of broken heartbeats..

But pain that never leaves hurts the most..
Oh.. How it pains..
Like a crackle of firewood deep down the chimney..
And the smoke above like flashes of grey and black in the glitter blue skies..
The root of loosing entirely more than just the piece of your heart, but pain not just in the emotions we carry.. But physically damaged. We start to feel the heart to adjust smaller each time.
And pillowcases now all wet and bedsheets all wrapped up.

Pain in decision
Pain in heartache
Pain in lost
Pain in physical ability
Pain in everything we couldn’t conquer
Oh pain.. Pain.. Pain…
How you’ve consumed us. Some say pain has made us wise, but taken loyalty. Pain to swap you of what you have gained.. Like to gain fear or to loose fear, To find love or hate it..

So pain..
Stop, for a while. As a teacher you’ve thought us many things. So im a student at the edge. Hoping to graduate soon. So give us a victory applause.
Because we done.
Done! With the tears you’ve given us. And the lessons you’ve shown us. But you’ve been the best kind of teacher around. But we through it right now. So pain let me love by my heart. So i conquered you today. So now never reach my distance again.
Sincerely, - Humanity