

Knowledge you have is Right or Wrong?
In the universe there are two kinds of entities

1.Materialistic entities which cannot think

Examples are Paper , pen , pencil, eraser , sharpener etc..,

2. Spiritual entities which can think on their own.

Examples are Human beings.

Suppose a bullet which is a materialistic entity is hit some one it pierces the body, goes inside. It doesn't bother about whom it is hitting, whether it is hitting a person or wood or animal or a material.

But we human beings are spiritual entities, suppose a doctor comes to us with knife and injection we allow him to operate on our body.But if a theif comes to us with a knife we would not allow him touch us also.

The reason is we have a knowledge that doctor is gonna do something better for us where as a thief would put us in a trouble.

Having knowledge is important at the same time you should have right knowledge as your thinking will completely depend upon your knowledge.

For example, most of the teenagers do stuff that they should not do and give freedom as the reason for what all they do. One should have enough freedom is a good knowledge one can gain but knowing limitations , exceptions is also a part of knowledge. So be sure to get COMPLETE knowledge.

For an instance heroine those who exposes a bit more argues that role has demanded so she has done her duty as an actress , those who enjoys watching the acctress like that will support saying she is doing her duty. One should perform his/her duty knowing this is knowledge. But at the same time those support saying that actress is doing her duty the same people will not support teachers if they beat them a bit more to make them successful in life. They should ideally say like teacher is doing his / her duty right, but in reality it never happens. Though they have in their knowledge that doing their duty is correct they think differently in different situations based on personal benefits they get. This is MANIPULATION power of Human beings.

Getting knowledge is one half using it while thinking is the other half.

Get right knowledge from right people.

Thanks a lot for reading it hope you get right knowledge.

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