

eclipse of Neptune
Spike Bush wake up we’re going left of outer space. how long are we going ? said spike Bush a month says space cadet officer Karen Stone. for what: said chef Warren Conner we found some dry ground, we know it’s a planet called Neptune, that's our spaceship HMS Endeavor that is taking us off to Neptune. will any aliens Invade this spaceship? HMS Endeavor says spike Bush, while attempting his first bite of the meal he was given by chef Warren Conner, usually it’s spaghetti in biscuits nothing more said space cadet officer Karen Stone. after eating faster than the rest of the staff and guest that was on board the spaceship HMS Endeavor at birth. some staff think it was some test for survival, the pilot spoke about it for an hour at the pilot table with the pilots. and the last pilot that survived the damaged spaceship The SS Ross
That was under attack By the hi-tech alien shooting. at The SS Ross spaceship that was held classified that was still available to Casey Turner. mission
One Man after escaping weeks later to eat and survive so what do theses
Aliens look like. said space cadet officer Karen Stone. after loading her space weapons for space battle with the enemy in case they find a way to get the door open, to engage in battle civilians I got to get the other troopers placed around suited and booted arms and elbows. I’m thinking AR-15 to salvage what we have on board this spaceship HMS Endeavor to replace the parts that came up damaged, in Areas for repair so the troopers stationed on board this spaceship, HMS Endeavor said spike Bush. to space cadet officer Karen Stone
The first one in charge of the HMS Endeavor. does nothing different than what she is told to do,
That’s how this HSM Endeavor maintains hope for the next ten years.
We’ll be settling in for an adventure
So how are we going on to dry
Land spike Bush asked. the 2nd pilot Vanessa Mason after walking so far to the front of the HMS Endeavor
Spaceship. where the pilots are gliding
Non-stop to Neptune to reach dry land, Where the aliens are coming from
So it’s going to be hard getting there.
Undetected by alien technology they are
Trying to get extra HMS Endeavor spaceships, well maybe they need a chop shop. said
Chef Warren Conner to the finished pilot Glen Wood that was speaking to
Casey Turner the former pilot survived the explosion by alien red beams. from the outside of the UFO
Casey Turner remembered the eclipse of Neptune was coming with a thousand heat waves to Neptune, why would we send a team it’s dangerous To walk on to Neptune outside of this landing spaceship say’s spike Bush.
To the tough space officer cadet Karen Stone after loading up stock for Warren Conner twice as old and visitors to enter to resign from their old work orders. from The SS Ross
A spaceship that was quite different from ours, but their training Forces
Was enough to expect from the alien enemy. outside of space cadet said spike Bush to cadet Vanessa Mason loudly with no regret of disrespect:
Just reasons why we should not land
In Neptune After the heat waves just hit it’s like
Enjoying an exploding house in the afternoon we have so little fuel to keep tracking our eclipse of Neptune history. before leaving the planet Neptune we will probably be at war with aliens, outer space cadet Vanessa Mason that means we are going to war slowly said Vanessa Mason with no friendly's. are we there yet yeah it's beautiful to look at the eclipse of Neptune. the computer said one unstoppable heat wave just ended excuse me it's going to be like summertime said spike Bush for us all we will enter planet Neptune where is place is amongst the aliens we finally landed said the 2nd cadet pilot Vanessa Mason we must stand and fight the aliens And go to war when we have the perfect time to attack them as are enemies I don't know how much longer it a be there but I'm going to try to find out when we are going to have to sign up for registration for war and be accepting the training for the longest heat waves in hopefully for battle's scar's a be okay right here said space officer cadet Karen Stone today chef Warren Conner usually cooks spaghetti in biscuits nothing else more matter's than that said space officer cadet Karen Stone
let's send a team and circle around half of the morning when the heat wave doesn't come said spike Bush okay let's do it now said space officer cadet Karen Stone it's four thirty am it's perfect timing okay spike Bush your command we're short of staff take Vanessa Mason to Casey Turner also suited and booted with guns loaded extra ammunition for over Twelve hours later it was gunfire at the aliens several hours after landing the team as a unit of soldiers in Neptune shooting at one too many alien species like the Krumhars and Gegnoiks alien species, therefore their spacecraft The Liberator and Left them a name liberator's inside of there spacecraft as an uploaded virus around Nilphux and
Scrisqels and seven others like Topham, Iq'ets, Xuchux, Thoq'oi, Dhuttes, Vriqoix, Chiktad, and Aicie to start shooting at them humans and to destroy their spacecraft The Liberator or to remove their virus in to invade the HMS Endeavor spacecraft in enslaving them to rebuild their technology and a whole new spacecraft The Enjoyment will great say The Liberator will be a new model for The liberators too. Slowly conquer The HMS Endeavor
And their tactics in their teams The space officer cadet Karen stone
As the first command went to her post
She made herself The Gegnoik's problem
Of all Gegnoiks alien

© Tristan Antwan heidelburg