

Dark Secrets Chatper XI
Amethyst P.O.V
“Come” his deep, rich voice spoke.
I felt my feet slowly begin to walk toward him, but I caught myself and stopped. Something about his voice, just him, drew me to him. I couldn’t explain it. But I’d seen him holding her up. How murderous he actually seemed as her slowly caused her life to almost come to an end. I’d tried to scream, but couldn’t bring myself to even yell at him.
“Come, my princess.” His whisper carried to me.
I started getting closer to him, before Serena screamed out,
“Amethyst, NO!”
I stopped in my tracks. Before I knew it, Liam had gone back over to her and held his hand down against her face. I couldn’t tell what he was doing, until a light blue mist had begun forming and she began screaming in agony.
I ran over to him and touched his shoulder.
“Liam, no!” I said frantically. “She deserves to live, please.” I whispered as my voice cracked .
He put his hand down, dropped her body to the floor, making a lout thud that echoed throughout the cavern walls. As he did, the mist faded away almost instantly. He turned to me and pulled my waist into him. Tight in his embrace, he had begun to run his hands through my hair and down my back. I let him hold me, feeling a strong urge to hold him closer. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him.
“Let’s go home.” He whispered in my ear.
He took one of my hands and began leading me out of the cave. Suddenly, the other siren jumped out and attacked, sending Liam through the air.
“Liam!!” I screamed.
I quickly ran to his side and held his hand to my chest.
He was back on his feet in an instant, causing me to back up. He held my cheek and told me to stay put before walking purposely towards the other siren. She began to back up until her back hit the wall.
She bared her teeth, trying to scare him off. He bared his and smiled before grabbing his sword and connecting it to her neck. Her head roled off as her body fell to the ground, blocking the entrance of the cave. I screamed and backed up.
“Amethyst, don’t worry.” His voice soothed me.
I felt his breath right on the back of my neck. I stared at the body laying limp in the entrance. I felt my arm be caressed softly, cool fingertips making their way up and over my shoulders to my neck. I felt his other arm snake around my waist and turn me around. His dark brown eyes stared right into mine. His hand came up to touch my cheek. I leaned in and sighed before looking back at him.
“We must go, my love.” He said softly.
And for whatever reason, I listened.
I nodded my head. He held my wrist in his firm grip and took me out of the cave, both of us having to step around the body.
We walked silently through the forest. He kept looking around them and back to me. The process seemed to keep repeating itself.
“Prince Liam…” I said softly
“Just Liam, darling.” He corrected with a smile.
“Liam, what is wrong?” I asked filled with curiosity.
“Just keeping you safe, my love.” He replied giving me a smile before looking around again.
I looked up at him and looked into his dark eyes before hanging my head down and watching my steps.
We trailed through the forest for a while before a thought popped into my head.
“Where is it were going?”
He looked down at me and came to a sudden stop, grabbing a hold of both my hands. He leaned down and pressed his cool lips to my forehead.
“To your new home.” He replied.
“No. I wish to be returned to mine. I thank you for getting me out of this place, but you cannot…”
He held my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes.
“You are coming home with me.”
I took a step back. His tone had become demanding. I looked away from his intense gaze and to the ground once more. My torn up dress rubbed against my knees as the wind picked up a bit. My hair blew over my shoulder and laid on my stomach as the wind died down. Liam moved his hand from mine to my hair, gently pushing it behind me again.
“Why must you take me away? I wish to go home, Prince Liam.” I told him, beginning to feel tears in my eyes.
“You are to become my wife and as that you are to stay with me, Amethyst.” He explained.
“Your wife?”
He took my hand and began walking again, pulling me along.
“Yes,” he finally spoke
"No." I corrected him, backing up once more.
He chuckled, and gave me a coy smile. His hand reached out suddenly and got a hold of my arm, pulling me back against his chest.
"Yes." He whispered softly, hugging me from behind.
His grip tightened its hold on me once before he turned me around and leaned down to give me a kiss. I wanted to let him, most of my being ached for him too, but I was able to overcome it. I got out of his grip and started walking off.
"Let's just go then." I said.
He laughed again, catching up to me.
The moon had just begun to illuminate the sky again. We had made it out of the forest and continued our journey back to the castle. As a crow appeared on a nearby tree branch, I looked down at the dirt path. It reminded me of home. I wished I could just go back, to escape him somehow, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get far.
"How did you find me?" I asked, looking up at him for the first time in hours.
"That is for me to know now, and you to find out later." He replied indifferently.
I shook my head and tried to slip my hand from his grip, only causing him to hold on tighter.
"What you don't seem to understand is that you are mine now, Amethyst." He told me, his voice becoming deeper.
"My Prince, I mean you no disrespect, but I..."
"Do you have any idea what I am?" He interrupted.
I shook my head, wanting more than ever to take a step away from him.
"Do you believe in fairy tales? In creatures that can either haunt your memory or make your life better?" He inquired.
"Fairy tales do not exist. As for the creatures, I am not sure now." I stated, trying to not make it known of my confusion.
"Ah, but they do. The creatures you went to, the sirens..."
"I did not go on my own."
"Then how did you get there?" He asked, lifting his brow.
"I...," I took a deep breath. "I was taken there by my father. After knowing I had seen you, my mother found out and told him, he'd know where I needed to go to be safe." I explained.
The moon now shined fully. Crickets could be heard from all directions. My hair, now fully dried, blew back in the slight breeze that came.
My gaze went to Liam. He seemed to stare off into the night sky, completely oblivious to all around him.
"I am not oblivious and I will have you know that if you try to escape, you will not enjoy the consequences." He told me casually.
I was taken back. He'd heard me? 'How could that even be possible?', I thought.
His left arm snaked its way around my waist and pulled me over to the grass. Motioning for me to sit, I did as he sat right next to me.
"It is possible because my family and I are the most powerful of creatures in this entire world." He said with pride.
"And what would that be?" I asked, truly confused. My heart had already begun beating faster.
He smirked and pulled me straight into his lap with my back facing him. He began to play with my hair, twirling a strand of Iit around his finger and thumb.
"Have you never noticed my eyes, darling?" He whispered in my ear, his breath sending chills up my body.
He wrapped his arm tighter around my waist.
"Yes I have. They are dark..."
"And what else?"
"Red tints sometimes." I replied, turning my head to him.
His strong jaw line seemed sharper now, the corners of his soft lips curled up in smile. His dark curls blew back as the wind came by again. I stared into his eyes.
"They're red now." I told him.
"Does it scare you?" He asked.
I shook my head and felt myself lean into him more. I turned my head back and stared at the moon above, observing the stars that surrounded it.
"I have never seen or heard of any creatures, my lord." I confessed.
"No one has ever mentioned the word 'vampires' before?" He asked.
I suddenly remembered when Tobiath and I were younger and had gone out to explore in the forest. He'd told me a bunch of vampires lived out there and hid in a cave during the daytime. I'd told him he was lying at the time, but now, perhaps he wasn’t.
"Prince Liam, you cannot be..."
"But I am." He insisted. "Everyone in my family is."
"How... How can that be possible? They... you're not..." I started not even knowing what else to say. I didn’t want to believe it.
I started to slip out of his grip and move away. He let me and I stood up, backing away again.
"Amethyst..." He called before loud trotting could be heard on the ground.
A black carriage began to come into view, lead by two black stallions. The driver held the whip and threw it down on the horses to make them stop in front of us.
"My Prince!" He called, getting off the carriage.
"Yes what is it?" He questioned, taking a step in front of me.
I stood behind his back, watching the exchange. Another horse ran up next to the carriage. I looked closely at the man. He sat atop the black mustang in a suit of black armor. He lifted the helmet up and got down. He walked over to Liam and the other man who were now a few feet away from me. I stood in the same spot, watching them. The man in the armor looked familiar, but I couldn't quite tell. I looked closer towards him. My hair blew in the wind, one of the strands going into my face. I held my hand up to it and pinched the spark strand between my thumb and pointer finger pushing it down so it laid against my stomach. I looked back up and saw the man in armor staring straight at me.
“Of course, Sir Thomas. Just tell my father we shall be there soon.” Prince Liam told him, coming back towards me.
Two strong, muscles arms embraced me, searing my warm skin with their icy coldness as a pair of red eyes looked back to me. Liam muzzled his head into my shoulder as Sir Thomas climbed back on his horse. The other man climbed back into the carriage bowing to us before turning the carriage around to the way they came.
“My Prince…” I said softly with concern.
“My dear, I’ve told you before not to call me Prince.” He continued facing me around. “Just Liam. Or my husband, my love, or…”
“May I say one thing, my lord?” I asked, cutting him off.
He looked down to me. He held his hand up to my face and caressed me.
“You may, my sweet.”
“We are not married. Therefore, I believe it wrong of me to speak such words to you…”
“Ah, but we are. We are mates. Us being connected in that way already makes it so.”
I held my head down to the green grass beneath my feet. Could I really be married to this man?

© Sierra321