

bitter sweet : book two
My alarm blarred so loud that it could pierce my eardrums.
"oh for the love of christ ". i said as i stood up from my rickety bed and tripped over Rachel's goth-lookalike scrapbook. "Rachel !!!" i yelled. "why is your scrapbook in my room!? "
"go screw yourself " Rachel shouted from downstairs .
I sighed as I struggled into the spongebob slippers my dad had got me before he died , I smoothened my hair with my fingers as I sluggishly walked to my bathroom picking up the toothpaste I rubbed some on my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth slowly, looking at myself in the mirror , my eyeballs looked like they would fall out that instant , i rinsed my mouth and turned on the shower .
I was starting to apply my mascara when I heard a clattering sound downstairs . I grabbed my backpack and rushed downstairs , tried as much as possible to dodge Rachel's tiny balls and sweater lying on the stairs only to find Rachel laughing over the broken mug lying on the ground , my mom had made pancakes
" good morning Diane " my mom said as she dished out the pancakes .
"good morning mom" I sat down gasped for some air and gulped down my saliva as the kitchen filled with aroma , my mom has always been a good cook, dad had said that he'd marry her for her cooking .
"sweetheart , your therapy session is by ten ,you're gonna have to hurry up with these pancakes". she beckoned on Rachel to pass the pancake to me , Rachel gave a snort and rolled her eyeballs as she gave me the pancake. "that woman is sure uglier than sin" my mom said in Texan accent , it's been awhile she spoke with Texan accent, she'd always use texan accent when she needed something from dad.
"you said you were going to go with me , that woman scares the shit out of me" I said with my mouth full with pancakes.
"I know , I just...uh.. I have a lot to do today sweetie." my mom said as she wiped the kitchen cabinet repeatedly . "Rachel could go with you, so you both can settle your differences." she gave a smirk and winked at me.
" God...heck no". I said almost immediately pushing my almost finished breakfast further away from me.
"Yea mom ..hell no , why would you come up with that idea for chrissake. "Rachel said looking up from her laptop with a grimace .
"you girls need a thorough get together" mom said smiling as she drank her veggie smoothie .
"ugh...I'd rather eat a pig alive" I said
"Yea mom...uh ..almost what she said " Rachel said irritatedly. "really ,that's how much you hate me?" she bursted out laughing
"Rachel could you please stop making things hard here" mom said over Rachel's loud laughter.
"making things hard?!!" Rachel shouted "diane is the only one making things hard here , turns out that everything that I do is negative to you" Rachel said as she stormed out of the house closing the door with a loud bang.
"oh my goodness ". mom sighed as she rested her face in her palms .
"you okay mom?!" I asked patting her back
" yea sweetie...." her face turned into a sour expression as she sighted rachel coming back inside. "oh my God she's coming back,what is she going to say this time?" she groaned.
Rachel thumping became louder as she came closer , the way she walks gracefully and how tall and slender she looks on ponytail is the only thing I admire about her .
"oh my goodness" I could hear mom mumbling beside me .
"uh..I actually forgot my um.. earphone" Rachel said as she picked up her earphone on the dinning table and pointed her index finger at me "so I'll just walk back out angrily the way I did few minutes ago..and uh..screw you Diane , I hope your therapy session go as bad as your attitude". she said and stomped out shutting the door as loud as she could causing the picture frames beside the door to fall.
"uh..I better get going before she comes back in ". I picked up my backpack and planted a kiss on my mom's cheek before walking up to the door , I paused as I looked at the picture that had fallen earlier , the picture frame had broken , it was a picture of me and Rachel squatting in our garden back in Los Angeles , my smile was wide like I'd seen a bucket of ice cream, my pink dress stained with mud,Rachel had her hair in braids, mom had forcefully braided Rachel's hair like she said she'd learn from her trip to Africa, dad took the picture before i celebrated my ten years old birthday.
"uh..I'll just get a new picture frame when coming back , see you at dinner mom." I said hanging the picture back on the wall
"I thought you are coming back home before lunch." mom said with concern written all over her face
" no i won't be" I said checking my backpack for my phone and sighed when I saw it
"why? is there a new friend you're not telling me about?!" she furrowed her eyebrows.
"arrghh..no I just want to hang out at the park alright?". I said in a frustrated tone
" okay , okay was just asking". she said as she put the dishes in the dishwasher .
"I'm not a child anymore mom ,there's no need to worry about my whereabouts." I tucked curly my hair behind my ear. "worry about Rachel, she acts like a ten year old" I rolled my eyeballs .
"that's no way to talk about your elder sister ?" she said with a frown , she always look prettier when she frowned.
"bye mom". I said before stepping outside, the sun cursing warmth on my brown skin . I stopped dead in my tracks as I caught sight of the empty garage .
"bloody hell !!!" I shouted angrily "she took the truck? ,could this day get any worse!?".

I was so intensely watching as the caged yellow bird on the receptionist table ate the seeds that I didn't hear when the receptionist came back in.
"miss Copeland ?"
"miss Copeland!"
"yes that's me ...t-that's me" I sat up
"Mrs Thompson will see you now" she said with a broad smile.
"whatever" I stood up and walked briskly into the office, closing the door firmly I groaned .
"good morning miss Copeland." my therapist said putting on her old glasses , she shifted on her seat uncomfortably as i gazed deeply at her, she had a pimple on her cheek, there was a neckchain around her floppy neck , her red dress matching her shoes, her hair looking rather shaggy , I remember telling her to workout and burn all the calories she had piled up in her belly, she called my mom that day requesting that I stop bodyshaming her or she would be forced to stop being my therapist, I laughed when my mom told me about the request.
"good morning Mrs Thompson". I sat cross legged glaring at her .
"how are you today miss Copeland?".she opened her notepad and began writing
"for the thousandth time I'd love if you'd call me Diane". I said gritting my teeth
"there's no need for the rage now , miss copela...uh..Diane, have you been trying the butterfly visualizing as advised?"she said giving me an obviously fake smile.
"your neckchain makes it look like you're choking..its not quite your size." I smirked
"I'll um..."she clears her throat. "I'll take that as a compliment miss diane ."
"compliment it is then."I stood up firmly and made to leave
" miss Copeland our meeting is not over yet". she took a sip from the glass of water beside the cushion she was sitting .
" ouch...sorry to me it is..this is bullshit..."
"language!! miss copeland." she interrupted taking off her glasses
"this whole therapy is bulllshittttt". i shouted even more louder.
"you are a terrible therapist , the worst,you suck at your job."I interrupted her .
"miss Copeland , you seize from being my patient this instant" she said with rage
" Best day of my freaking lifeeeee , how about you do the butterfly visualizing to soothe your temper." I shouted happily as I made to grab my backback , I slung it over my shoulder, walked out the office pushing the door widely open , the receptionist looked at me wide eyed looking confused.
"is there a problem miss Copeland?" she smiled wrily.
"whoo-hoo, I've never felt more relieved" I laughed loudly .
I heard miss Thompson shout as I opened the exit glass door and bounced two times before entering the street with a wide smile on my face. A blonde lady kept staring at me from the saloon shop I had walked past earlier. Reaching the park I sat on the bench just then my phone rang.
"hello mom?"
"what did you say to your therapist this time?" she said angrily
"she's not my therapist anymore mom , she made that clear and I hope she doesn't have a change of mind" I said biting my fingernails
"Diane, she's helping you get better."
"I don't need help!!"I said firmly "I am fine , stop making me feel like I'm going crazy or something!"
"Diane I...."
"can we not talk about this? I'll be home before dinner,bye mom." I hanged up and heaved a sigh , two couples were making out opposite where I sat, they kisses were so intense and vivid "eww..gross." I mumbled to myself then I felt the sudden urge to urinate.
"oh man!!". I slung my backpack on my shoulder and rushed into the nearest cafeteria, it was a huge cafeteria with few customers , there was no sign of toilet in sight, oh crap! my bladder was going to explode, I walked to a lady wearing black jean and a pink t-shirt with "DONNIE'S" boldly written on it, her brown sleek hair was tied in two buns ,a notepad and pencil was in her hand as she carelessly chew her gum,definitely a waitress.
"hi.., could you please show me where the ladies is?"
"uh...do I by any chance look like a billboard or a sign?" she rolled her eyeballs at me and walked away .
"that's why this place is scrap.. no bloody customers." I shouted
"screw you bitch". she shouted back at me
"you better be glad I didn't bring my evilside diane along with me." I murmured and swerved crashing my whole body to someone carrying a tray.
"I'm so so sorry". I bent over gathering the broken dishes on the ground.
"too bad that'll be cut out of my salary, please stop picking the broken dishes , you'll hurt yourself".the baritone voice making me to jerk up .
"I am so sorry..please I'm so...."
"are you okay miss ?".his toned handsome face filled with concern as he narrowed his blue eyes searching my fingers for injury.
"nooo..I'm fine..I'm feeling uh..okay"I stuttered , tucking my hair behind my ear.
"okay, try not bumping into anyone again today." he said his face pulling into a scowl as he bent down picking up the broken dishes,his biceps embracing his white t-shirt.
"uh..I'm sorry." I said and with that I rushed out of the cafeteria forgetting about the reason I entered in the first place , still shaky from the incident I waved down a cab and got into it. the cab driver was cussing and saying something gibberish , oh this is going to be a long ride home ! I sighed heavily

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