

Existence of Love
On the cause of me striving to attain Diploma degree at Yaba collect of Technology. Due to the high cost of living during that era and transportation cost , I am subjected to squatting with a family of six whose house is closer to the college.
Through out my 3 days nestling with them I was in great ecstacy and served victuals of high value. I was accommodated and received like a King who returned from a long journey and attended to honorarily and excellently.
Initially, I wanted to act reserved ,in reaction to a new abode but the jocularity of them all,most especially their mum and the last lad of the house won't make me.
However, on the final day of my stay with them ,at around 9;30 pm, after been fed 3 wraps of Fufu with hot Palatable, sumptuous, scrumptious, mouthwatering vegetable soup ,I announced my departure and on the verge of stepping out of the room , I turned back and Lo and behold, I saw it in their eyes ,what I couldn't vividly fathom or assimilate for the first 20 seconds of that sensationalistic moment.
I saw it in their eyes ,in that astounding gazes , affections of different kingdom, phylum, class,order,family,genus and specie.
I saw it in their eyes several essays and compositions of disappointment, illuminated and highlighted around the Iris and cornea.
I saw it in their eyes the manifold of dissatisfaction that sprung up lots of subsequent passions and desire inside me
I saw it in their eyes the sadness marred and constituted by my decision to leave.
I saw it their eyes when they all stood agape with their persuading look ,what I can never unremembered.
I saw it in their eyes that unconditional love, that makes me figure out how cherished and adored I am to them.
I saw it and quickly looked away , to disallow the Man O' war of tears lining up in between the eyelid, parading and yelling to fall out of the eye.
Thanks to you ,15th of July for I discovered in it , the existence of Love
© Oluwaninshola