

Humanity is messed up. While some people live good life's, not having anything go wrong; some girls are walking home in the dark, scared. They're scared because there are men and women who cat call. The girls that are simply walking, minding their own business, don't know what will happen to them. For all we know, nobody could ever see her again. There are women who get raped; there will always be people who say 'I bet you wanted it, what were you wearing?' That is disgusting. There are also men that get raped and abused, what do people say? 'Come on, I bet you liked it. You're a man, you can over power her.' That's not okay. young and old people part of the LGBTQ+ are dying; for what? A human being themselves? How hard is it to respect someone's pronouns? If they want to be a girl, they are a girl; not a man in a skirt. There are black people being slaughtered for something they can not change. Kids and families are dying every single day. Women need to be treated as a human, not a maid you can have sex with to your hearts content. lgbtq+ people need rights, they are human too. Men, need to be taken seriously when they say they were raped. People of color need to stop dying and getting locked up for no reason. Now, why does this happen? White people? Homophobic people? Or just the ignorance of people who can't let go of the past? People who cannot expect that the world is changing and that there will be people different from them.