

A beautiful night
The setting was perfect. Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table.There is a music which is acoustic with low , medium and high frequencies.The boy who serves food came to me and said "madam have a drink please".I said "no thanks".The boy went off.And I took a chair and sat down for a couple of minutes looking every one there in the party.After some time, a handsome guy with 6 feet height with ironed blue coat and a white shirt inside with a black shoes and a silver coated watch entered on the stage.He is looking soo handsome which all other young girls were looking at him.Then, some kind of jealousy feeling started inside me by seeing those girls.It is a birthday party of some company's chairman's son.It's night and the lights which are decorated were very beautiful in such a way that...I want to dance there and enjoy.Then, suddenly the handsome guy named "Varun" took Mike and started speaking about his birthday party.And said enjoy your day by having a tasteful dinner.He thanked everyone for attending his birthday party.I actually came with my friend who works in Varun's father's company.She went some where and I am sitting there alone.Then after couple of minutes Varun came infront of me and said "Hello"....!!! I was in a shock mood by seeing handsome guy talking with me.I replied "Hello"....He asked my name and I replied "Nithya".He asked me "shall I join dinner with you...??" I replied "ok".I am in a confused mood that why he is asking me..??Then we had a nice dinner meanwhile my friend named "Meera" came and joined for the dinner.After completing our dinner my friend got a call from her parents that they came to see her from their village.We both are staying in hostel.So she leaved from there.. so that she could spend some time with her parents.She asked me to go safely to my room.I said "ok no problem".Then, I said to Varun that I should leave.His face is like in a sad mood.I observed but did not ask anything.He slowly said "wait don't go... I want to tell you something". I replied "ok" what....??? I don't know what he is going to say.I thought that..he will suggest me to go by cab because it was 9'o clock in the night.Then, unknowingly he said "you looks soo beautyful"...the moment I see you it was like...I forgot everything and so I came to you.If you like me "I will marry you" and Iam "promising" you that....."when ever I see tears in your eyes....it will be the last day for my life" he said.Iam not understanding weather it is dream or real.....!!!! The feeling which I felt was "awesome" that I was very happy.And after couple of minutes I thought this guy is the correct person for my life.Then I replied with a smile..!! Then Varun holded my hand and took me to the stage and said me "Thankyou" for accepting his love and he introduced me to his parents and every one who is in the party.He announced that he is going to marry me...!!
Then he took one red rose and came to me by sitting with his one leg and he proposed me in front of all including his parents.And he said "Thankyou Nithya for accepting me as your life partner".
I am in a very happy mood and the feeling which I can't express in my words.Then, suddenly I got some sound......which irritated me.Then,ohh....!!!! I opened my eyes.Am thinking where I was....???Yes....it was a lovely dream.....!!!!! And, I am on bed.Then, I thought "such a nice dream which I ever dreamed before".

THANK YOU GUYS.....!!! For spending your valuable time in reading my story.....