

The second coming of Jesus is at hand
There will be wars and rumours of wars..famine in different places..tornadoes and natural disasters will occur...The sun and the moon will grow dark ...before the second coming of Jesus. These are all the prophesies in the bible...that have already being fulfilled.

God says in His word..when we see these signs..and prophesies being fulfilled...that's how we know that the time is near..So we must be prepared for the second coming of the Messiah..

We must forgive others...love one another...for the time is drawing near according to the bible.. Jesus says we must enter through the narrow gate ..for broad is the way...to destruction...So dont be of this world ...make yourself right with God.

We may be going through intense trials ...before jesus returns...so dont give up...God says those who overcome will be rewarded ...

In my life..I went through the worst...I even faced death...but God gave me a second chance and saved my life...I'm thankful to God for giving me a second chance...I'm lucky to he alive..So my advice to you is always believe in miracles, in jesus and his holy angels...iv experienced my miracle when God saved my life..

I will always believe in jesus..even until the end of the world ..May yoo do also..for the time is near...The second coming will be soon ..