

If I Was God (chapter three)
In The Village of meabus
My first move with a spiritual man, a friend by name spark . we moved along looking to see how infirmity has taken the heart of meabus,a village known to be a place of no return.. That journey wasn't for me ,it was for the people ,still under the spell of that Villain..
My first move to the king was a night mare but we made it through ..The king was in distress ,he had already losed his crown of glory ..The key was in my hands he said ,the key to freedom and justice ..
The mind to give up ,the mind to run, but there was nothing I could do an act of kindness let to this .
Now spark my new fight mate of a higher energy ,took me to the man ,he was known to be " The Man" a funny title but a deeper meaning behind it..He took me for spiritual lessons on how to control my power, how to Know the difference of my emotions and to control my anxieties . It was tough I say , it was .
Here again in a difference costume and a crown of war, meabus depended on me, it was in my hands..
A night came ,the villain had already known I was in meabus ,in the tent of "The man" ,ironic in actions but wise he was...My first fight was strange experience but I have it all I could because I had one thing they didn't have ,I had love...
Spark helped me finish the fight..
yes! he was my shadow .
The king gave an order for all the inhabitants to be lock in and underground building ..There was nothing Soo hard ,than having little children. suffer over a ring.. A ring but the key to unlocking an ocean of powers .She the villain was by name "Durgahn" she was once a student to "The man" Because she needed more than she could handle ,she became evil and cruel..If I was God I say but there I was a little god to the villages ...I wondered how long will I be here ,how long will be fighting until I get out of here .. Spark was my comfort a friend , very important to my story .
Days passed I began to get more and more powerful and tougher ..I began to see the reason why I should be there and why I am the chosen human...

( see chapter 4 in the next coming story, Wonder gets to meet the villain for a deal)