

Love Potion-Part II

The countries all over the world banned the potion and the production of it was stopped so that no one could buy it as after a year of its invention, there was a mad rush for its purchase and also the people who ran illegal businesses wanted it due to its characteristic (that the person under its influence will do anything for the person they have fallen for)so that they could use it for their benefit... Due to the increased number of this type of cases, the countries decided to ban it...
After 10 years...
"Hey I have found something, like it's a decanter, with a beautiful cap shaped as roses on the top, there is a pink liquid inside it", said Aayna...
Aayna and her friend Shanaya had come to this abondon house which now everyone considered to be a haunted house, to explore...
"Let me see it", said Shanaya...
" Well, first, of all can you please tell me why we are here? You are just not telling me since we got here", said Aayna..
"You're right, this decanter is really. beautiful", said Shanaya
"Answer my question first!", exclaimed Aayna
"We have come here to see if here there is a ghost or not as part of my dare",said Shanaya with a low pitched voice
"Seriously dude? I know you would have thought if you tell me the reason I won't come with you but here I am right here in front of you ", said Aayna
Shayna nodded her head and apologised
" But do you know what it is? Have you seen this before", Aayna
"No", said Shanaya...
The story continues...
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