


("Shattered Trust: A Tale of Love and Betrayal")

Everything was good and was going well. Seza and Artav were happy with their relation. Through lots of ups and downs and after a huge mess, they sorted out to be normal again. Everything was perfect as they expected. They were again back to their late-night talks and conversation.

After a week, one evening Seza called Artav because she wasn't feeling well. After a long ring, he received the call and he talked. Seza was feeling uncomfortable to talk to him because he was not paying attention to her talks; instead, he was giggling with some others. Seza said that she would talk with him later, he denied and said her to stay up at the phone, but it was so humiliating for Seza because he was ignoring her. Seza got disheartened and hung up the call. Artav didn't try to call back again. Seza went to bed and she covered her face with the blanket.
Ana felt that something was wrong, she called out Seza, Seza was responding with humming sounds. Ana went to her and pulled the blanket, Seza was drowned with tears. Ana lifted her and hugged, and Seza cried in pain on Ana's shoulder.
Ana wiping out her tears, "Hey Seza! What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
Seza didn't respond, she was trying to control her pain and was trying to speak out, but the pain choked her throat, she was finding it difficult to pretend as fine. After a few minutes of silence.
Seza - "Don't worry, Ana, I am fine, it's just I was missing Artav."
Ana - "Why don't you call him?"
Seza - "Ya I will call him later".
Seza lied to Ana that she was fine but deep inside she was disheartened and sad. She was finding it difficult to understand Artav's moody behavior. Everything was fine till morning and drastically he became ignorant in the call. Something was wrong. Seza didn't want to show up her emotional weakness to others instead she used to express all her sorrows and pain in her diary. She even didn't share her pain with Ana, even though they both were in the same room, but Ana didn't see the Seza pain. Seza pretended to be strongest enough. Next day Seza and Ana went to coaching class. Classes were already started, Artav hasn't arrived yet. Seza eyes were on the door, waiting for Artav, meanwhile, Arshana came and poked Seza to shift a bit so that she can sit with Seza and Ana. Seza looked at Arshana and said that I have kept this place for Artav. Arshana felt very bad but she managed to smile and went back. After a few minutes Artav knocked the door and entered inside the class, he directly entered and sat with Pooja (classmate).
Seza felt so hurt, Artav already knew that Seza would keep place for him, he was sure about it even though he chose to stay away, he even didn't see her. Seza turned back to Arshana and said her to come front but Arshana denied, Seza felt very shameless about her behavior towards Arshana. She was in guilt for ignoring her best friend for Artav. After the class, she apologized to Arshana and when Seza came to see Artav he has already left the class. Seza hurriedly rushed downstairs to get hold of Artav but he was not there. Arshana and Ana could see the sadness and pain in Seza eyes, but Seza always pretended to be strong enough to tackle the situation. Seza health was getting bad day by day, she was not able to concentrate on her studies, she just love to express all her sorrows and pain in her dairy, her diary became her closest one since Artav started ignoring her, all her pain, feelings, emotions were expressed in diary, she used to spend hours and hours sharing her feelings in the diary. Instead of studying for her exam, she preferred to write and share her emotions in the diary. Diary became the part of her life. Next day Seza and Ana were on the way to class, Artav met them at the way and asked them to get inside the car. Manas was already in the car, Manas said Seza to come and sit at the front he will go back, Seza denied as he was already sitting, so she went back, Seza was sick, she didn't feel like doing anything, she simply was looking to Artav through the mirror but Artav didn't even give a glance, Seza just wanted to talk to Artav and asked about his changing behavior, she was fed up with daily ignorance, but due to her sickness she was not able to ask even a single word. As Artav parked the car, everyone waited for the Artav near the parking spot, Seza was feeling dizzy she held Ana hand giving her signal that she is going to puke, Seza closed her mouth and rushed towards the drainage side started puking, Ana was continuously rubbing her back making her feel comfortable. Manas brought some water and asked Seza to drink it, Artav saw all those things, but he didn't come to Seza,
he directly made his way towards the coaching compartment, Manas went to Artav and whispered him to go to Seza, he could deny Manas word and came to Seza and asked "what happen?" "Are you OK?" Seza nodded her head saying it's fine. Then they went. It was a very painful scenario, even Ana felt bad,
Seza, she was completely broken, before Artav was not like that, he would show even some concern for her. Today even Manas showed his full concern towards her but the Artav he just came when Manas said him to go. Seza couldn't bear the pain, but she needs to control her emotions because she doesn't want to show her weakness in front of everyone and create a scene, she took a long breath and held her emotions and entered inside the class. As usual, Seza and Ana went to their seat and saw Artav already took his seat with Pooja. Artav seems very happy sitting with others. Before he used to say that "the most unwanted and useless girl of the class is Pooja, I literally hate her, the way she seeks the attention is just ridiculous, I hate her". Today he was happy giggling and joking with her. Teacher was teaching but Seza eyes were on Artav how gently he was pulling Pooja's copy and smiling, they both were talking through their eyes. It was very disheartened for Seza to see her man flirting with some others. She just wanted to cry her heart's out. After the classes, they again need to go 12km away for their next classes. Seza said that she would not go by Artav car, it will be awkward for her to go by his car, who act like a stranger. Ana, Arshana, and Seza were going to take a local cab, meanwhile, Artav came to Seza and asked "How are you now?" Seza just looked at him pitiful with eyes full of tears and said I am fine. Artav said, "OK, then come fast, we are getting late." Seza felt helpless as she sat on the waiting shed, wiping her tears with her hand. Ana pulled Seza and said, "Now don't act weird, he just talked with you, right? Now let's go, he's waiting for us."
Seza glanced at Artav, who was inside the car, waving his hand signaling them to come fast. Arshana and Ana pulled Seza and took her inside the car. Manas was there too. Manas asked Seza to buy medicine for her. Seza nodded silently. Artav's phone was ringing continuously. He parked his car at the stoppage and went outside, calling someone. Seza turned her head to see Artav, who was a little distance from the car, talking on the phone with a smile. After a few minutes, he came back. Seza didn't even have the guts to ask. After all, she had every right to ask, but she felt uncomfortable as he acted like a stranger. After the phone call, his mood was completely cheerful. He was humming songs and driving enthusiastically. Everyone was shocked, Ana and Seza looked at each other.
Halfway to their class, they encountered heavy traffic, which was about to delay their arrival significantly. With only half an hour left before their class, and the possibility of it taking more than an hour to clear the traffic, they decided to park the car and continue on foot, taking shortcuts. The sun was shining brightly as everyone walked. Artav was walking with Manas, engrossed in his phone, while Seza, feeling sick, struggled to walk. She felt like she just wanted to sleep. Walking slowly and holding onto the railings, she began to feel suffocated until everything went black, and she fainted. Ana shouted and grabbed her to prevent her from falling and getting injured. Arshana also held onto Seza and asked Manas for water. Manas hurriedly came to them, poured some water on her head, and sprinkled it throughout Seza's face. Seza slowly opened her eyes, drank some water, and searched for Artav, but he was nowhere to be found. It was painful for her to see Artav using his phone so casually, seeming indifferent to her condition. Seza cried at the sight. Ana went towards Artav and scolded him.

Ana scolded, "Artav, are you a normal person? Can't you see what she is going through? The girl you once considered your world, your almost everything—she fainted! Why are you ignoring her? Your single harshness is killing her every second. She can't sleep at night, she can't even eat properly. Her mom asks me about it every day, what should I answer her? I don't know anything. Just go and talk, clear everything, please, for God's sake, don't make her sad. Please, Artav, I can't bear to see her like this, please understand." Ana begged and pleaded with Artav, joining her hands. Unbeknownst to her, tears fell from her eyes.
Artav went towards Seza, held her hand, and helped her up. Everyone left Seza with Artav. Ana, Arshana, and Manas started walking together, while Seza and Artav followed behind. Seza was unable to walk properly, so she asked Artav to hold her hand and walk with her. However, Artav got irritated and held her elbow, pulling her harshly in a rude manner. As they walked, Seza's hand hurt from Artav's tight grip, displaying all his anger towards her.
Seza's hand was hurting, so she threw Artav's hand from her elbow and said, "Aatu, why are you like this? What did I do? Am I that bad that you are ignoring me and pretending like a stranger? Am I?" She cried.

Artav responded, "Stop saying all these. Just increase your speed, we are getting late."

Seza said, "Don't you know that I am sick? Where is your so-called love and care? Where are all the promises you made to me? It's hurting, Aatu. You are not my Aatu, the one who used to love me and care for me without any flaws. The one who would do anything to make me happy. Today I nearly died, but you didn't even make an effort to ask me. If you had shown me a little fake concern, then also I would be happy. You taught me how to love and you taught me to give a chance. You taught me to fall and trust once again. If I had known this before, that the result is going to be like this, I swear on my mom that I would never love or give a chance to you. You completely ruined me, Aatu. I am helpless, I am getting weak. You broke me," she cried and fell on his shoulder.
Artav responded harshly, "Shut up, OK! Don't eat my brain, I am getting irritated." He shrugged his shoulder to remove her head, left her beside, and went away. All of them already reached the class, but Seza was still on the way, all alone. It was so difficult for her to reach the class; she fell many times, but she managed to walk towards her class. She was completely weak and shattered. Arshana and Ana saw her standing alone at the door, completely pale-faced and weak. They went towards her and asked, "Where is Artav?"

Seza replied, "He left me in the middle of the way, I don't know."

Ana lifted Seza's face and asked, "Why didn't you call us?"
Seza replied, "Forget it, let's get inside." They went inside the class. Seza was brutally stabbed by her love. She was regretting her choice, regretting giving Artav a chance. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize that the class was already over.

They all went downstairs, Artav was there with his car. Seza ignored him. Artav could see that Seza was ignoring him. He turned to Arshana and said to get inside the car. Arshana turned to Ana and Ana turned to Seza. Seza didn't bother; she started walking. Meanwhile, Artav came out of his car, pulled Seza's hand, and without a single word, he just pulled her hand, opened the door of his car, and pushed her inside. Even though it was rude, Seza found it cute, as did Arshana and Ana.
Artav came inside and looked at Seza. After a week, she was sitting beside him. Seza gave a slight smile, so did Artav. Seza's heart was filled with happiness. They went towards home, a song was playing. Seza was continuously looking at Artav. Artav dropped them off at their house. As Seza was about to leave, Artav told Ana to go, as he needed to talk to Seza. Seza felt very happy.

Artav said Seza to get inside the car. He took her a little away and stopped his car on the side of the road. He held her hand and said, "Look Seza, firstly I am sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me nowadays. I just can't focus and concentrate on anything. I am completely disturbed by something. Please don't hurt yourself by my behavior. I really feel awkward to face you, as I know I have hurt you a lot," he cried, holding her hand.
Seza replied, "Aatu, it's very hurtful. I can't describe what I am going through. I am sorry if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly."

Artav said, "Don't be sorry, it's all my mistake. Please don't be weak, don't think too much, eat properly, study well." He kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly for a minute. They both cried, letting out all the pain.

Seza came back home, she felt relieved but was still sick. She slept after freshening up. She was happy. She even got a text from Artav that night, "Goodnight Seza, have your medicine and sleep on time." She was happier to receive the text and read it more than thrice before she slept. She had a peaceful sleep.