

Geez what are you so negative Chapter 2
Chapter 2 The Boys Star Vanishes

At the same time Schneider is sitting in his favorite internet cafe. Why? Because it's the only place where he can read manga in peace and also when he doesn't want anyone about the way he truly is. They also have an enormous collection of mangas and novels too.
As he is sitting in his beanbag alone he hears some police sirens. It wasn't weird for him though he would often hear here since there have been an increase crimes lately but all of the sudden for some reason it peaked his interest " Another one that's weird its usually every two to three days but it's been there days in a row and they a really close to here. Hmmmm? I'm gonna go check it out." He put in his bookmark and packed the little stuff he had with him.
As he approaches the scene he starts hearing more and more commotion. When got there he was surprised when he saw the scene and what happened there. The corpse laying there was the corpse of the star that he didn't want to lose sight of. Her name was Sophie. Even thoughusually kept his cool but in that moment he lost all composer ."Let me through" he said in a even deader tone then the usual voice, a policeman said " We can't le..." very quickly he interrupted him and pulled out some kind of badge " LET me through or you want me to add another corpse here " he said but with a dead stare and a dead expression. The policeman didn't seem to care about the badge but still let him go.
As he approaches the body he get all of a sudden he gets the feeling like he is being watched. Then he touches the body he is not surprised that it has no pulse but he really quickly noticed that the body was still warm which he was fast to carry over to the police they said " Listen here kid we know that the murder was recently committed but that doesn't change is that the only clue we have right now are those two footprints. So kid just stay put ." But he couldn't just accept it and started to look around and observe every little detail "Those footprints are from her blood so there is no way only two footprints. Unless he. Wait does footprints are perfectly aligned with the ..." and the it hit him in the face just like a rock and the he rushed to the policeman and asked "Have you checked that dumpster? " the policeman was quick to reply " Of course not there is gonna be a investigation team here in the evening so no ne.." he interrupts him once more " Then check it right now!".The police man said "But why" and the Schneider yelled " JUST DO IT " the policeman rushed to the dumpster and opened it and started looking and the all of a sudden he stopped and yelled "Everyone come here " everyone gathered around the dumpster, a random policeman says " What's wrong? Why we all gather here?" the policeman that called them there said " look at the those shoes are covered blood and they match the print but wait please help me take out this thrash " as the policemen are looking in the dumpster Schneider thinks to him self "Finally you idiot's figured it out". One policeman yelled out " You are hereby under arrest you have the right to remain silent".The murder started yelling and screaming wanting to know how they found out that he was there. And Schneider dissapeared from the scene after they got him in a police car and the policeman that Schneider told about the dumpster wanted to thank him but he wasn't there.
But however Schneider is still hurt he really needs some one to light up his dark life.
But this wasn't really anything new for him to lose that light but he has to hurry to find someone to fill that void or he might.... go back to the way he was.