


without any delay,
I Started to run towards the small hut, And in fear I Screamed,
And then I entered inside the hut.

"What Happened" James Said,
"look outside" I Yelled, and then james,louis and lana started to look outside,
after seeing the outside view they all Becomes Shocked,
"Who are they?" Louis Said,
"They all came out from grave, they all are like zombies" Said I,
"What would we do next" lana Yelled,
"Run" I Replied and then we all Started to run towards outside of the woods,
But we didn't find any exit road there....

"They were all so hungry that they wanted to kill us" Lana said,
"Let's go back to the hut, we'll lock the door inside." I screamed
And then we all came back to the hut,
And then we closed the door of the small hut, all the zombies still trying to open the hut door. But he was unable to do so.
After a While they all stopped their hands from hitting the door,
And then I Saw into the sky from Hut's ventilation window - the moon was Started to come out from the dark clouds and the All of the zombies were started to goes inside at their respective graves,
All the things I've seen before made Frightful and then I Collapsed Unconsciously...

Next Day I Woke up all my friends were talking with Each other,
"Jake, We need to go out of this woods, Before the night" Louis Yelled.

"But the exit has been disappeared" I Yelled,
"We need to find another exit and the main highway road" James Yelled,
And then we all Started to seek the exit Road, But there were all the dark trees, No Humans were there Except us.....


We accidentally returned to the cemetery…
and then I look at the sky,
this was no moon winter Night, that means this time this zombies will Surely eat us...,
And then I Hold up a Big stick of ook wood for defending myself,
Louis has his own 6 packs body to defend,
Lana Has a Knife which she bought to cut the fruits,
And James has a Torch.

the most rubbish weapons we all have....
And then we all Started to kill those creepers with our weapons,

"There is a Way" James Yelled and then he pointed his fingers towards the east direction....
And then I Turned my face Towards the east way, Yes There was a Exit highway road...
"We need to go there" I Said to all,
Without losing a second we all Started to run towards the road,
But James collapsed there,
and then all the Zombies started to Bite James, And then James Died, After Some Seconds he becomes the one of them.
"No" I Yelled and then I Started to run towards the highway,
Moon is Started to Come out from the sky and then all Zombies reached on their graves, And started to Put themselves in the grave and put a mud rocks on  ...
And then we saw a Car that gives us lift to goes our hometown later....
After Some Hours We all Reached at our hometown safely....

But we still remember our best friend James,
I still think he is sleeping in his grave in the cemetery.
He wakes up every night when the moon disappears….
                 -Zeeshan Akhtar

© Zeeshan Akhtar