

New Day
The sun was setting in the horizon. I watched it and wondered should I walk towards it or wait back.
The thought of losing everything was my only concern. Protecting those I love, and our wealth is not a selfish act. In fact, it is a very brave thing to do, so I will do it. I welcomed the new day as the sun continued to fall. Thankful we had survived another day, and now some rest, others eat, while the rest starve. Not for me, I will watch, listen and wait for the perfect moment. The perfect time to take it all back.

The lies that I created in order for my plan to work have been hurtful and deceitful to say the least. In time of crisis, there are clearly no rules, and nothing is off limits. The way I see it is every man for himself. The weak wait for help, while the greedy consume. Evil has been made to run wild, unchecked. No more police or government, the people run this place. Every state has designed their own rules, fees, even unjust practices.
It is not easy to freely go anywhere now. When everything fell apart, people scrabble to locate family and friends. It was more valuable then air to be with those who cared about you, they were your protection and you were theirs. Old evil has waited for this day to resurface and inflict fear and death. There is a war within states for power, control. People have lost their way while I plan on showing those that seek light the sun.

-Goddess Evette

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