

Not that innocent
Chapter 8
As the days were passing by, Claire and Jo were getting closer and closer. One day when Jo was sitting and relaxing in his house, he hears the bell on the door rings.
His mum started running to open the door. When she opened the door she saw a tall guy dressed in a suit with a really serious face. He looked at her and said...
"Hello ma'am I am FBI agent Martinez." he showed her his badge "I would like to speak with Joshua"
The woman let the man in (what else could she do) She let him in the living room while she got in Jo's room to get him.
"Jo there is a man here from the FBI who wants to see you" his mum said.
Jo didn't know what to say. The FBI? What was going on?
"What did you do?" his mum had already started freaking out " Is there something that you need to tell me before we go outside and talk to this man?"
"No mum, I swear I didn't do anything. I don't know what is going on"
The both got out of the room and got to the living room. Jo sat in front of the agent
"Joshua. We are going to talk about Claire Mikleson. There is a lot you need to know"