

The Outbreak (ep5)
The characters, incidents,places described in this story has no connection with real life. The things described is only for the purpose of the story.

This is the continuation of previous episodes so I recommend you to read that first those who have not read it.


The Lab Director Mr. Chi. He is the most important person in the lab and he is also renowned Scientist in the country, he has many international connections. He is sometimes a HERO to us and sometimes a cruel VILLIAN. Nobody knows what goes through his mind. He has always something to hide.

And he was the head of this Big experiment. But he didn't know that the experiment failed and he has infected with sufficient amount of VIRUS. And I was in tension when his call came because of this increasing contact list.

anyway I answered the phone "Hello Sir, how are you , we were expecting your call"

"Oh...that's strange , why you were expecting my call , anything serious"

I stammered and said " No sir ..it's just work" I have to act like I didn't knew about the experiment.

"Senior Scientist is not attending the phone what happened to him " he questioned

I talked to him by hiding that matter " No, Sir you know that he has slight blood pressure variations , he was unwell yesterday night so he was admitted to hospital"

"Ok ...but something ...sir please switch off your mobile ....."

I was confused "Sir , where are you "

"I'm on my way to California...I just entered to the plane "

Then the call stopped. I suddenly called the Airport and checked the status of Californian Plane.

"Hello Sir it's from the Airport , the plane you asked for has took off"

Virus is going International.