

Story of Us
Remember life is journey, not specific destination. We live in global village and we are connected with our loved ones. life goes smoothly and with happiness. This story is not of any one specific, it's story of everyone. Its based on our inside thoughts and love, we kept throughout our life to keep ourselves happy. Everyone has set some goals and specified their needs and wants. We struggle to achieve it and feel inside happiness that we deserve for us. We feel frustrated, if we don't get close to our goals. And that's what I am saying,this is life.
We need struggle to achieve what we set for ourselves. We want happiness and everyone searching for "How". Money, fame and status are different items to feel it, but real happiness is in different things. It could be in nature, human, relationship, family, children, position and most important it can be in ourselves, inside us. Our life is a gift, most important and precious one.We learn and grow here. We understand what's happening around us. We get in deep thoughts when we see someone below our level or above us.We are different in nature, some are poor, middle and rich. But in deep everyone is a human. The difference appears in our learning, in our growth and environment. If we believe and agree with this nature then why we still blame nature, who make difference between us. How, if we start learning others, by doing what they doing and ask what I need more and achieve more. How, if we place ourselves as in other people position and keep trying to understand others position.
I believe this way of learning can make us a real human and bring more happiness around us.
let's start by pretending yourself as an another person.
© Muhammad Farooq