

Today i am gonna share my inspirational source.LOVE STORY ❤️
Every love story is special but my love is my inspiration.A feeling that makes you want to do something is inspiring always.
first time i met him in an occasion and that is the day when i felt there is someone other than my family who is choose to walk for the entire life with me.
He is the most sensitive and stubborn man i ever seen. May be i can't explain him in one word but he is All in one.My beloved one is very cute, handsome,elegant, simple and a gentleman.
our conversation started through social media.after someday of talking he proposed me for the first time but i don't have any feelings but also ,i accept his request as a best friend because i don't know my state of mind &i want him by my side forever.
He patiencfully wait one year for my acceptance as best friend to boyfriend's changing decision.That loyalty strike my heart' s deepth.somewhere i don't know & he too the accurate moment when he fall in love with me but he loves me the most soo I💞.
Through this i just want to explain that not only in love ,in every single judgemental thing loyalty matters a lot.LOVE is the precious gift from the God. Loyalty doesn't mean that only oneness to someone ,is also means the patience to wait.
© _Raaz