

Undecided choice
As a college student who chooses the unlike course , who chooses a difficult course, is so hard, cause every time you step inside the classroom, every hour you spend lessening to your prof it feels like i'm just wasting my time, like i always ask myself "Did i deserve to be here? is this the right decision?". Every lesson we tackled honestly there is nothing that got into my mind, i haven't learned anything honestly, And guess what, every quizzes and exam we do i always fail, i don't know why but my body won't move if i need to review, I feel like my body is against it. But luckily my prof didn't fail me, he passed me, like what does he see me to let me continue in this journey ?. So now, i am in the same situation, doing the same thing, facing an unwanted course, but little by little, i kinda like it, so i hope that this time i'm gonna make it.
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