

After All

After All

And as the dust settles on the embers and ash, when the dawn breaks through ripples of rebel hearted tomorrows, lighting the sky in the fire and flames of a forever that we had forgotten.
And entwining our fingers together remembering what we recklessly failed to recognize, forgetting why we were us and the very reason we exist.

The spark, the beast, one cannot exist without the other. Two flames becoming one eternal fire, never seeing heaven as each would be alone, taking the road to hell and back, knowing it’s the only path they walk together.
Through the tears, the blood, and sweat, through the screams and silence, and each violent blow, we are beautiful today. The spark and her beast with wings withstand the wrecked and wonderful written ever after, after all.
Beautifully written for you and I~ us~ we~ today and tomorrow~ timelessly this lifetime and the next.

Feb, 25th 2020

Tabetha Simpson

© Tabetha Simpson