

Passion to Dream ( Part 2)
And even if I don't hold my pen my words took me there...
When ever I used to write the only thing which comes in my mind was that it maybe people only understand my words, but not my emotions and suituations, or can make fun of it .So this fear never make me able to represent my writtings before anyone .So what ever I write that was secret to me and my dairy ..
But with the time I overcome my biggest fear and now it hardly matters to me what and how others will respond. Now it really doesn't effect me will any one understand my words or emotions .But what makes me fell happy I can't stop myself from that .And I no writting is in my veins and even if I deceive it. It's love will receive me back to it.... And now my secret passion has turned to my dream and my writtings are no more only in my dairy but they are moving with me where I go.
When I see my throwback writtings nowadays I fell some mistakes or imperfections and I want to correct them .But I stop and speaks to myself "No don't change these imperfections ,let them be there ,see them again and again , these imperfections will lead you to something perfect one day "
To be continued.......

By :Mina Rashid

#realty of my life
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