

"Trust me"-Part 2
Yuvi and his gang were chatting outside the hostel, in the garden,"Hey Karan! What man you look so disappointed?" asked Yuvi "Nothing man, just a little quarrel with Simron" replied Karan "Oh god! Man how much do you guys fight?" But Karan wasn't listenning to them he was thinking about Abha. Even he wasn't able to make out what's wrong with him? Why Abha?

The drama practice took on full swing. Abha stunned everyone with her acting skill and now she made more friends from her drama team. Karan noticed her everyday and everything about her. He completely forgot about Simron. Although he never tried to talk to Abha but couldn't stop thinking about her.

One evening Abha was sitting in the drama room with a book, no one was there. "Karan say me clearly what do want? After the day we fought you haven't tried to talk to me and now it should be you who should apologise to me, but instead I am coming and talking to you first! You don't even have the courtesy to talk properly! And instead you are shouting on me.." "That's enough Simron! I am done with you" Karan shouted at her as they entered the room. Probably they didn't notice that Abha was also there in the room. "Enough?" said Simron with tears in her eyes "Oh please! don't start your melodrama here! You know very well I have my drama practice and I don't have time so that I can take you out! But still..." he paused, Simron was crying, he continued "Simron I am done with you. I can't handle your tantrums anymore!" "You never had time for me! You proposed me because you wanted me as a showpiece! You never truely loved me Karan!" Simron said in a shrill voice. "Yeah then, when I never truely loved you why are you here? Go then! You know, you won't go like this! Listen Simron, this is it! Its time for our break up. Please free me!" saying this Karan turned back from Simron. "Your wish Karan! But remember one thing, I always loved you!" and she went. Karan didn't turn back to see her go. It was now he realised Abha's presence in the room and he suddenly started feeling heavy. Not because he broke Simron's heart but all this happened in front of Abha, what she must be thinking of him?
When he was thinking of this, Abha said "Today we have practice at six. You are early, may be you didn't see the message in the group." "No umm.., I mean, I saw the message. I came here because I thought no one would be here at this time."Karan said. Abha said "Oh its okay then, if you want to be left alone, I'll leave then" she got up, took her things and went.
Karan regreted saying this, he didn't want Abha to leave but right now he wasn't in this world. After sometime he saw his phone, there was a message about cancellation of drama practice that day. He kept his phone inside and decided to go back to his room. But then something caught his eyes. It was a book on the chair. He went there picked up the book and realised that it was Abha's. He then saw that it was a notebook, actually Abha's personal diary. 'Man its a personal diary I shouldn't read this. I should return this to her' Karan thought, but then he could stop the urge to read her diary, it was the only way he can know about her and moreover he just had his break up so even if Simron finds about this diary it won't be an issue. So he took the diary and kept it in his bag and the left the room.

To be continued....