

The 4 women who wouldn't play ball.
once a upon time four women Lisa, Marry, Sidney, Alice who Lived in star ville Ohio, who worked for a state law firm in Ohio. when they all got to work they all went into their offices to find them all ram sacked. so the women called the star ville police department, hello this is the star ville Ohio police department how may I help you. yes, this is the star ville Ohio state law offices calling to report a break-in at our office. police do you know what time the break-in happened, no we don't but I do know that it happened last night when we all left. police do you have any haters, no we don't think so, okay we will send someone right over. calling car 129 and car 139 please head over to the star ville Ohio state office there has been a break-in okay 104 out. the police pull up to the law office. the four ladies great the police officers outside how we help you, ladies, the reason that we called that there was a break-in at our office last night, police do you know about what time this happened no sorry we don't.. police do you mine if we take a look around ladies no not at all. hey over here officer Hilton take a look what do you think of this I say whoever the person or person was that they got through the window and the person or person was trying to find something. ladies will it looks like that the person or persons got through the window and it looks like that they were trying to give something oh no I wonder what it could be. Are you all sure that you don't know anyone who wants to harm you or that they are trying to hide something? no, we can't think of anything, will offer if that's it if you ladies give out anything more please call us anytime..... so Lisa and Sidney decided to clean up the mess left behind at the break-in Sidney asked Lisa who would want to do this to us and why Lisa I don't know all I know that we have a miss to clean the fuck up whoever it was I hope they had fun doing it. meanwhile, marry and Alice was busy with two clients bob and Tiffany a state case that they filed with the law firm over constitutional rights being trampled on by the state they were preparing for there the biggest case of all time. the phone rings marry picks up the phone think you for calling star ville Ohio state law offices how may I help you, I think you know who this is and if you all want to live you will stop any court fillings right now, and I hope that you all are enjoying cleaning up the mess.
so marry who was that I don't know all they said was you know who this is if you all want to go live you will stop any court filings on this case. Lisa to marry that's is just probably my ex-boyfriend calling here because he's always drunk that's why I left the dam son- of a bitch you never told me that you had a boyfriend oh my I thought you know. oh, it's okay I thought you knew. oh, it's okay. oh my God, I am so sorry Bob and Tiffany, Tiffany oh that's okay you all got a phone call from some fucker it's okay now can we move on. yes Miss Tiffany and bob, so tell me what happened will we where both driving down the street when we got pulled over by a cop for just listing to our music a little to you'd and on our number, we had a sticker that said jill Hilton for President of the USA 2024 and the cop didn't like the sticker and ripped it off and wrote us a ticket for the stickers and the music. the cop said that both where against the law will do you know who then cops name no I don't worry he wouldn't give me his name our badge number he said that was unlawful for us to ask do you know how the cop looked like will he was kind of tall 6" 3 230 pounds with short black hair and blue eyes. oh my God, Lisa shouts out that sounds like officer flint. will this is a clear volition of your rights as an American citizen, I will file these papers with the court with the next couple of hours. ring thank you for calling the Ohio Supreme court this is Frances how may I help you yes can I speak to justice Carol Price yes one second please let me transfer you over. ring think you for calling Carrol Prices office how may I help you, I am here with to of my clients Bob and Tiffany and they say that their constructions right were violated by the police driving down the street with the music a little loud and having for having a bumper sticker on the car saying Jill Hilton for President USA 2024, which the officer ripped off and told them that it was not lawful of them having a sticker on their car saying. Jill Hilton for President 2024 on their car and gave them a ticket for the sticker and the music. will that is a clear violation of their rights send the papers over and I see to it that they get filed. okay, we do. I think you for stopping in and bring this matter up to us Tiffany and bob the papers have been faxed over by email. thank you and have a good day. chapter 2 Lisa marry Sidney and Alice all leave the law office after a hard day of working and cleaning the office up after the break-in. they arrive at the bar at around 8:30 pm marry gets a phone call ring how may I help you I think you know who this is in thought I told you to not file the case now we are fucked, marry who is this the voice said don't worry about it you will find out sooner than later Lisa to marry who was that you look so scared will do you know that phone call that I got earlier today will he called aging but only more threatening Lisa to marry that probably my ex-boyfriend again he's always like this when he's drunk that little fucker. let's forget the cos and enjoy the night marry it's probably nothing you right Lisa lets enjoy the .night. good evening ladies in Tina how may I take your order,
Lisa, I will give a coke and gen and a salad with ranch dressing., how about the rest of you marry I will have a bottle of your most fine wine. and how about you Alice I will have a burger fries and a beer and for you miss I will have just a bottle of wine.so Lisa marries Sidney and Alice all seat down and try and enjoy the meal. later that evening lusa comes to the lady's table and asks if this is together. they said yes. so Tina brings the bill and tonight's total is $350.55 would that be cash or credit marry said credit. Lisa mary Sidney and Alice all leave the bar., after a hard day of work to go home and rest. when marry gets home she gets another phone call from the same person that said that they have their eyes on her and that she better watch her fucking step click. so the next morning at around 830 a marry calls Lisa and tells her about the phone call that she gets, Lisa ask to marry what they said, they said that I need to watch my fucking step and click, Lissa told her to hold on that she be there to pick her up. Lisa asks to marry how she was she said she was getting scared for her life. Lisa said let's go to the police station to file a report on the phone calls. the two ladies get to the police station about 9:15 am they enter and the women named Miss Milton to ask how may I help you. Lisa told the ladies behind the desk that may friend marry has been getting these phone calls treating her life if she goes through with a case that she filed yesterday for two clients. the police lady asks Lisa does she have the phone number she said yes wdi you mind if we got it from you. okay here the phone number that keeps on calling me is 777oh one more thing what us your cell number it's 00800 and office number 8765 okay thank you we will check this out and be in contact with you if we find anything out.

© Ronnie lee gill Jr.