

We're my friendship started
EMMA GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE YOU HAVE SCHOOL.....my mom shout from down stairs I ground in the pillow trying to get some more sleep lifing my head off the pillow seen that it was already 7:00 o'clock.

I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom do my business and take quick cold shower.

omg I'm going be late. I grab the first thing my eyes landed on throw it over my body and grab my bag and run down stairs.

mom was in the kitchen making breakfast. yummy I smell good I say to my mom she turned around oh Hi sweetheart I made you pancakes she says to me.

I'll have tow please eating my pancakes as fast as I can I don't think I want to miss the bus this morning puting the last piece of pancake in my mouth getting up for the table mom take care of that for me.

No I won't you must learn to put your plate away my mom says.

you don't want me to be late for school don't you I ask mom .

no but mom tried to say but cut her off then I will be late i smile at her giving her a kiss on the cheek bye mom.

bye hun I hope you meet at least one friend today at school mom says to me before I went out the door.

I told you no one likes me mom I call back before running to the bus. taking my spot at the back it was just me my self and I .

I watched friends talk about there summer and laugh together I wanted that too but no one likes me am just a lonely girl.

I was know in the hallway going to my locker to get my books for class I stop right in my track looking my my locker I could see a girl standing by my locker I wonder why was she there in the first place.

blocking my thoughts I walk straight up to her from my view I was able to see her black shiny kinky hair she had big brown eyes she has flowers Dark skin she looks beautiful

why was a girl that beautiful stand by my locker
cutting my thoughts short um h' Hey I stumbled over my words she just take one look at me and a and greets me with a big smile why was she smiling at me.

um you are standing by my locker she look around .

ohh this is your locker am sorry just that am new a round here I need some help to find my class says to me .

l let my eyes runs over her face
omg she just ask for my help cutting my thoughts short once more .

um can I see you timetable looking over the sheet of paper in my hand I look back up at her we have the same class that was English come with me we wald to class together

oh am sorry I did not get your name I hear her say .

um sorry about that is emma and you I ask .

the name is cole brown she says holding her hand for me to shake I stretch my hand out and shake her's

The day when by fast cole eat lunch with me we talk and laugh together we even exchanged numbers it was the best day I had in a long while I told my mom about my new friend she ask me to invite cole for dinner someday because she wants meet her

The night went by quick and soon it was morning I was up and ready for school I just wanted to see cole .

I watered by my locker for she but she never came I went to class sad .it was a week know and cole still did not came to school I call and text but no answer I wonder what happened to her when I told my mother that cole was not coming for dinner that night she thought I made up the story and cole wasn't real

It was know Monday walk down the dark hallway my head down I reach my locker and bump into someone I look up to see cole my eyes went wide c'cole I stutter but looking at her face she was not the same cole I met a week ago she did not smile she just held her head down

um cole are you okay I ask

n'no she stutter my mom died my mouth went wide I am so sorry cole.

it's okay emma am okay she says

we walk to class together I made her laugh sometimes she came over for dinner later that day

One year had pass cole and I were living together we were best friend's know going to college and have a time of owner life's that's how my friendship started.

The End😊😉

© Quotes of the wind